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Tablet mouse buttons not working right

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I have a Medion 86635, it's an old tablet, and the right click and middle click buttons that I have on the pen don't seem to want to function like the mouse.

For example, the VAB, I can't rotate the view, but I can pick and place parts, as well as open the right click menu and change things such as fuel levels and thrust limits.

Once launched, I am able to right click parts, and change things much like in the VAB, however I am still unable to rotate the view.

As a test, I right clicked with my mouse, and moved with the pen, however I was still unable to rotate the view.

I use it all the time, and for programs like Photoshop, it right clicks just fine, infact it works for games, like Interplanetary, Banished, and Harvest: Massive Encounter.

Is this a problem with KSP or my tablet/computer? I would REALLY like to use my tablet to design ships, because it just seems cooler, and I find it easier to use than a mouse (my opinion and experience).

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Hi Tetriswizard, it's most likely that the output from the pen isn't quite the same as from a mouse, so the Unity game engine does not know how to use it.

For example the engine could be waiting for a different "move" signal than the pen is designed to provide.

This would be a driver issue, or perhaps a mode issue, I suggest checking the tablet software for any options on movement mode such as absolute (pointer is exactly where you place the pen, like a touchscreen) and relative (pointer must be moved into position with the pen, like a mouse) modes.

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Hi Sal, thanks for responding. After setting my tablet to relative mode, I still have the same problem, I right click, and movement of the pen doesn't register as mouse movement. I wonder that maybe unity detects mouse movement, while my pad sets the mouse position, instead of move the mouse to the position.

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