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Asteriod Stuff - All bad things went wrong

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I had a bad day. It was when I did my first manned mission to a class B . Heres what went wrong.

1. The KAS grappling hooks dont work on asteriods?

2. Pilots are no longer able to SAS ? This is both stock and mechjeb SAS capabilities.

3. Mechjeb targeting also gets disabled!

So basically the entire mission was scrubbed because every single game element that would be needed to land was disabled by the game. Please tell me this is not by "game design"

Edited by lextacy
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I think I knew what happened. There was a "target center of mass" that I clicked. You click this button on the asteriod. This locks you out of SAS. All this does is orient the ships nose toward the COM. This does nothing to help guide me to the landing of an asteroid. Who do I make a suggestion to to fix that?

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Asteroids have no appreciable gravity, so you can't so much land on on as float beside it. lacking docking ports, the best you can do to attach to an asteroid is to use the grabber/claw part to attach. There is a tutorial for doing this in the game, but the basic procedure is to arm the claw, do a "control from here" on the claw, orient the claw towards the COM of the asteroid, and ram the asteroid at 1 - 2 m/s.

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