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Changing Kerbal Z axis relative to planet when "falling in atmosphere"

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On Eva, when a Kerbal jumps or falls they remain in a standing position, that is, they remain vertical with regard to the planet surface.

I would love to be able to write a plugin that forces them to translate to be perpendicular and facing the planet surface.

I believe kerbalVesselObject.transform.rotation.LookAt would be involved but I don't know how to .LookAt the centroid of the current planetary body.

Is there some flag active when on EVA? (I would need to have it only apply to Kerbals on EVA) how do I get the plugin to only be active in atmosphere?

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A kerbal on EVA is a vessel where Vessel.isEVA is marked true. Once you have that vessel, you can just use Vessel.mainBody.position, and just check if the atmospheric pressure of the vessel is >= 1E-6 to know if you're in the atmosphere. You might want to check Vessel.landedOrSplashed else it'll also apply when on the surface.

Also, I'm no expert in quats, but I think doing LookAt like that would lock the Kerbal in that position. Not sure though.

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^^ Vector to the planet center from current vessel position (AKA upVector). I would suggest using the surface velocity vector (Vessel.srf_velocity) for this though, it might be a little more natural

If lookAt has a Quaternion input, Quaternion.LookRotation(-upVector) gives you a quaternion pointed towards the planet but doesn't specify the rotation about that vector to use (multiply by Quaternion.Euler(x,y,z) if the orientation is strange, where x/y/z are probably multiples of 90). Use Vessel.transform.forward as the second input to LookRotation if it does wierd rotations (where forward is actually up, because up is forward in KSP...)

You also probably want to use Quaternion.Lerp/Slerp to smoothly adjust from the original rotation

Edited by Crzyrndm
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