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Everything posted by stupid_chris

  1. There is no toolbar button for realchute in the editor and there never was. The parachute editor is no longer located in the action groups menu. There is a space center button for RealChute. Not sure why it shows up vaguely in the VAB, but thats a problem for LGG/ToolbarController Nothing is wrong. This is where the editor opens from now, since v1.4.9
  2. As already mentioned, no, not on RC1. I'm not untangling the mess of a UI I made a decade ago to shoehorn in localization. I'm not sure what that means, but I'll just point at RealChute's license in case you had any intention of redistributing modified RealChute source files or compiled binaries.
  3. I'm not planning to add localization to this version of RealChute at the moment
  4. These parts aren't using RealChute, I can't help with that unfortunately. EDIT: To expand a bit, those are made compatible through a FAR patch that adds a generated instance of RealChute. I've written the original implementation of that patch, but I no longer manage it. You would likely want to consult the FAR thread for this. You also probably want to check this in an environment with *much less mods*, there's too much noise in that log to make out much (i.e. just FAR and that part mod). It's not unlikely the problem could be an interaction with something else.
  5. That's not the right field. what you want is "chuteCount" https://github.com/dkavolis/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/blob/master/FerramAerospaceResearch/RealChuteLite/RealChuteFAR.cs#L125
  6. Well, its a bit more complicated than that. Every module can house an arbitrary amount of parachutes, but the module itself can only reflect one state. The logic is that if all parachutes have the same state, this one is used, but if any single parachute has a different state than the others, then the module reflects Risky by default. There isn't any way to reflect a different value at the module level for every parachute, and there is no way to expose the parachutes data objects to kOS. The appropriate way to treat this is to wait until the parachute says "safe", which guarantees that all of them are safe.
  7. Update with some fixes! June 2nd, 2024 v1.4.9.4 -Fixed SafeState still not being properly visible to kOS -AutoArm setting now defaults to true -Changed way presets are loaded to avoid them being overwritten by mod updates -Changed presets to use proper size nodes, not legacy sizes Cheers everyone!
  8. Thanks for the info, looks like it doesnt detect enums. I'll expose it as a string as well. Tested it out, found the problem, it was not the fact it's an enum, but the fact that it must be visible in the PAW. Fix will be in next update.
  9. I don't use kOS myself, but my general understanding is that exposed fields should be visible. It should be called "safeState" under RealChute module. If it's not there, im assuming it means kOS does not support enums, and I have to expose it a second time as a string.
  10. If it works im not sure what the issue is then, wouldn't worry about it too much
  11. As mentioned previously, there are MM patches that add RC behaviour to stock/restock. If you have a manual install, they should be there by default assuming you have MM installed, and if you have a CKAN install, CKAN will install them unless you request to not have them installed. The parts themselves will not be rescalable however, but the canopies will be sized dynamically according to the chute's diameter. That will probably be a lengthy wait, best not hold your breath
  12. Hotfix! I broke stuff. May 29th, 2024 v1.4.9.3 *Hotfix* -Fixed issue where the full deployment animation would not play and the drag not lerp properly Apologies, things should work normally now. Enjoy!
  13. Assuming your install is through CKAN, you must install the stock/ReStock patches (RealChuteForStock).
  14. Another small-ish update May 29th, 2024 v1.4.9.2 -Added in-place canopy resizing -Updated ModuleManager patches for stock -Stock patches now default to triple canopies for the Mk16 Parachute (large cone) -Added ModuleManager patches specific to ReStock -ReStock patches makes use of in-place resizing to dynamically scale chutes without replacing the models -Fixed bug on procedural parts without TextureLibrary -Added missing linebreak in RealChuteModule part info -Fixed low-altitude deployments skipping the pre-deployment animation -Added ModuleCargoPart to all RealChute parts This should have much better integration with ReStock now. Also worth mentioning: Stock/Restock patches are now listed separately on CKAN, they are installed independently. Cheers!
  15. The editor window exposes the amount of spares each chute has. If you would like it to be limitless, simply put it to -1 and it'll ignore the amount left when repacking! Turning spares into cargo (like EVA fuel refills) is actually some plans I have for RC2. It was a lot of limbo, but I do have some motivation to get stuff done now at least. Very hard to tell a timeline because I've become increasingly busy over the year, but it's come back on the table now.
  16. Tiniest of updates May 26th, 2024 v1.4.9.1 -Fixed settings window close button not closing the window -Bumped down minimum KSP version to 1.12.3 Cheers!
  17. Maintenance update! May 25th, 2024 v1.4.9.0 -Moved parachute editor window out of the action groups editor -Added Part Action Window to open the parachute editor directly -Added config option for parachutes to deploy even if shielded from airflow -Made deployment safe state accessible to kOS -Fixed small GameEvent delegate memory leak -Fixed parachutes ignoring staging input lock and deploying anyway -Added ClickThroughBlocker dependency -Added ToolbarController dependency You read that right. The parachutes are no longer editable through the action groups panel! The parachute editor can now be opened from the main editor window, and only from there! Hopefully this should make it a bit easier to work with RealChute. ETA on RC2 is still TBD, but now that KSP2 is dead... I no longer have reason to wait. Also of note, RealChute now requires ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController and will not work without them! Cheers!
  18. Change the autocut velocity in the chute settings, it's 0.5m/s by default.
  19. RealChute replaces the canopies entirely, the only way to make it work would be for ReStock to package the canopies separately and to make one of these https://github.com/ChrisViral/RealChute/blob/master/Output/GameData/RealChute/Materials/TextureLibrary.cfg Read the big red text on the first page. Not for KSP 1
  20. Not without going into the config. You are looking for something that does not exist. There is a setting in the part config used for radials, and that's about it. RealChute does not change the appearance of the parachutes. It chances functionality. If you do not want RealChute functionality on the Restock parts (not sure why you'd want this mod installed then), remove the RealChute MM configs from the RealChute folder.
  21. I don't believe Restock bundles their parachute canopies separately from the cases, so this is probably not possible. Yes, it does. Restock is mostly just a reskinning.
  22. Both of these questions are answered in the FAQ in the first post of this thread.
  23. The canopy size is dynamically sized to the actual physical size of the parachute.
  24. Since this seems to be your biggest gripe with the mod, I'll address it clearly. This behaviour is a leftover from the state of the game when RealChute was created. There was no tweakables, no toolbar, and no part-context menu for modifications in the editor. This mod is old. RealChute part modifications came around in January 2014. The game was in an awfully different state back then, and I was also a very different programmer. The action groups was probably the best bet at the time. It made sense, and it worked well for the systems we had. Granted this makes no sense today, but extracting the UI code is not an easy task, and not worth it. UI behaviour will be completely different in RealChute 2, I can promise that. Given that, I will not address this point further. I don't own the CKAN listing. This is already the case. RealChute overrides stock through MM. Remove the MM configuration files from the mod folder and stock behaviour will return. This point is not worth discussing much because of how different RealChute 2 will be. In summary, if you don't like the mod, don't use it. If you like it, have fun. I'm very indifferent to it I'll admit, I work(ed) on this because I wanted to see it fixed, the community enjoying it is a secondary effect really.
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