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Mod to auto re-suply ships/stations to work with TAC LS and so on.


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I'm here to suggest a new mod that do a re-suply tracks/ships to keep all TAC LS stations you have on your Kerbal system.

To you understand more what i'm trying to say, imagine you already build a grid on every planet, but the logistic and missions you need to do to keep your stations working, with fuel/food/oxygen/water, take all your time. so if you could have a mod that you click the ships you wanna keep autonomous, this mod would take of automatically new custom ships you assign, or the ones that it build for you, tem all your stations will survive automatically, letting you do other stuff with your mission/creativity.

Any one interested in doing that, nor discuss the details?


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Wow, i see.

Sort off.

That mod don't have actually the ship with supplies, but the time to deliver, all that stuff, money expend, are cool.

The button to resupply is avoided, you could have a on/off switch, and when you don't have money, it goes stand by automatically.

And i don't think is needed a part for thins mod, just the logistic, like Kerbal Clock, plus the stock parts ships that can be standard delivered by the mod, and you can set custom ones by yourself.

But thank you anyway, i do not knew that one.


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MKS lets you (eventually) set up autonomous bases, and has logistics hubs which let you transfer resources between ground and orbit.

If you just want a ship to more or less ignore life support, then copy a generator (the PB-NUK) and have it produce Food/Water/Oxygen instead of electricity.

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This thing you tell me hab136 is more like a cheat! I don't wan't anything like that.

I was imagining a second KSC, to autonomous missions, were you can see in realtime the vessels taking off, orbiting, docking, transferring resources, and then going back to be reutilized in other missions, using less money in that way. But if i am on another ship, near the station that is resupplying at the moment, i could see the autonomous vessel approaching and docking.

But i think that would be hard to do.

This Routine Mission Manager is cool too. I will study it a little more...

Thank you all for your help :D

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There is actually KOS which may be used to script everything...this idea could add more functionality to KOS...actually this would be my first thought to do this with KOS; I got the Davon MOD; create a resupply vessel; launch it; automate it and forget it; I think KOS will work from launch to dock; maybe a geo sync orbit would help.

I am using it as a logisitics part not a 40ton behemoth and attaching it to various ships with whatever supplies they may need based on useage over both short and long term; as in years ! If planetary positions are different each time it will be a challenge to get the timing even right.

This may have broke KSP I could be wrong...sorry cant use DAVON MOD...gonna try kOS tho.

Cmdr Zeta

Edited by Cdr_Zeta
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That is cool too Cdr_Zeta (Corel Draw Zeta?) :P

But i was thinking in one manner to do that but not in focus mission, so i can do my won flights, and still having all the resupplies happening in BG. ;)

I think i am to dreamy.

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