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Undocking not working/ vessel exploding

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Hey guys,

I'm having a serious problem in my KSP. Once I try to undock something in space it seems like the magnetic force which normally occurs during final docking starts grabbing the vessel. When I use time acceleration the ships sperate but when i switch back to normal speed, they get pushed back together and explode.

It's nearly impossible to play with these bugs, they just ruined my mission landing on Ike...

I am using the following mods:

- Active Texture Manager - latest release

- Asteroid Recycling Technologies - 0.6.1

- B9 Aerospace Pack - R5.2.8

- Deadly Reentry - v6.5.2

- DMagic Orbital Science - v0.9.2

- USI Exploration Pack - 0.3.1

- Extraplanetary Launchpads - v5.1.0

- FASA - 5.22

- Ferram Aerospace Research - 0.14.6

- Freight Transport Technologies - 0.3.1

- Karbonite - 0.5.5

- ExtraPlanetary Launchpads(EPL)->Regolith Adaptation - v.29

- Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) - 0.4.10

- Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.1

- Karbonite Plus - 0.3.0

- KSPI - 0.90.136 (the 0.90 patched version)

- KW Rocketry - 2.6d

- Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3

- Near Future Propulsion - 0.4.0

- Near Future Solar - 0.4.0

- Near Future Construction - 0.4.0

- Near Future Electrical - 0.3.1

- Novapunch2 - 2.0.8

- Procedural Fairings - 3.11

- Real Chute - v1.2.6.3

- Remote Tech - 1.6.3

- Romfarer LAZOR System - v35

- ScanSat - v10.0

- Survivability Pack - 0.22 / 0.21

- Station Science - 1.4

- Tac Life Support -

- Tweakscale - 1.50

- Universal Storage -

- USI Colonization Systems (MKS/OKS) - 0.22.7

- Warp Drive - 0.1.2

- Kerbal Alarm Clock -

- Stage Recovery - 1.5.3

- Remote Tech Contract Pack - v1.0.2

- Kerbal Engineer Redux - v1.0.15.2

- Mechjeb - 2.4.2

- Firespitter - 634

- Mark IV Spaceplane System - 1.1.2

If you have any questions just ask me, i could also record a video if it helps you understanding the problem. Thanks guys!

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