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Anyone else missing notification emails?

Rosco P. Coltrane

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Searched but didn't find anything. Lately I'm missing a lot of notification emails from thread I'm subscribed. You know, the email you get when there's a new post or even PM. I get them most of the time, but sometimes I just don't.

I was wondering if it's just me or this happens to everybody?

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My subscriptions mess up from time to time, too. Not sure what causes it, but it is frustrating as I rely on them heavily to keep up with threads in which I'm interested. As a workaround I check my list of subscribed threads and see which ones have updated since last I was online; it's imperfect but better than nothing.

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I have also experienced this. Some of the threads that I am subscribed to get changed to a Subscription Type of "None" instead of Daily. Clicking "Thread Tools" at the top of the thread shows me as subscribed, i.e. only gives the option to unsubscribe, but when I go to Settings->Subscriptions, the type is wrong. I have fixed it several times, but it changes a seemingly random amount of time later. This has happened multiple times, and on multiple threads.

This is really frustrating because I rely on the daily e-mails to keep up with my mod threads, like http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-TAC-Life-Support.

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