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(Small) Thing about using a contoller

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I'm kinda used to flying with my XBOX 360 controller for a while now, analog control is so much better. But I have a (small) suggestion. Squad, can you make it possible to assign an analog axis to a button binding? That it just "Presses the button" if you press it fully? For instance that would make it possible to assign the brakes to the LT so you can drive with a rover like you would normally do in driving games using RT to accelerate and LT to brake.

I actually don't know how small this is to implement, but I would love to see it.

Kind Regards,


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This is unlikely to happen unfortunately, as KSP is dependent on the Unity3D game engine for control assignments, the brakes (or any other control the player might want) would have to be explicitly setup in the Unity editor to accept an analogue axis as a valid input, while not a big issue for a console game this becomes an issue with the large number of controls typical of a PC game.

However, game controllers can have their buttons and axis reassigned in other software to reproduce a keyboard key, in your case you'd want to change the xbox trigger axis to send a "b" to KSP to operate the brakes.

JoyToKey is a small freeware application that can do this for you on Windows, Linux users can install joy2key from their distribution package manager, and OS X users can try the version found here.

Hope this helps :)

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