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ideas for multiple parts (redux)


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I've been playing KSP for a while and I absolutely love it. I was wondering if anyone would make some custom parts as I am absolutely bewildered and daunted when I attempted to do it myself.

  1. L.A.N.C.E. (Large Adjustable Non-Compliant Engine) This is a 3.5m 2-mode heavy propulsion device mounted to a swiveling bracket, and that bracket is connected to a pivoting base, and the pivoting base can be radially attached to almost any surface, allowing the engine to point in any direction, the engine should have full VTOL capability, VTOL steering and positional profiling like that of B9 Areospace. the engine's bracket should swivel near the center of lift, allowing for low ground clearance when aimed downward and minimal center-of-mass movement when re-pointed in any direction. To better express this, imagine B9's VTOL Engines attached to an Infernal Robotics' Rototron, but all in one 3.5m part.
    Mode 1 is an air-breathing jet turbine complete with it's own turbo-compressor intake built in to the engine, Thrust=2250
    Mode 2 is a closed-cycle rocket, toggling to this mode will automatically close the built-in intake and visa-versa, Thrust=1700
    You'll notice that the rocket mode has slightly less thrust than the jet mode; that's what makes it non-compliant. the reduced thrust is because gravity and air-resistance is reduced at 30kM, and the fuel-conservation will ensure that the craft can make it in to orbit.
    Uses for this engine could include heavy-cargo transport, VTOL rocket launching platforms, etc...
  2. A new kind of engine & fuel, unlike any other; it requires at least 1 fuel rod to use. the engine can be used as many times as there are fuel rods but when activated, it cannot be shut down, it begins to charge up for 30 seconds then releases a single, powerful burst of energy, propelling a craft with a great force. if anyone has played EVE online, it will be the KSP equivalent of the Jump Drive used in cargo ships. purposes for this engine is strictly for cargo transport to get the heavy craft moving from a standstill, (because not using this engine from a standstill would waste too much fuel.) warning: excessive gee force will turn kerbals into jelly.
  3. a simple 1.25m x 5m passenger tank; uncomfortably seats 4-6 kerbals in a sardine can headed for orbit, used for small passenger-purposed space planes. the fact that stock KSP lacks such a thing surprises me. MUST HAVE IVA so I can watch their miserable faces in total contempt of the person holding a crying baby and kicking their seat from behind.
  4. Solid Ballast - This is just an inline adjustable dead-weight part used to balance end-heavy VTOL crafts. Must come in various diameters from 1.25m to 7m, TweakScale is OK to use if you can manage it.
  5. Liquid Ballast Tank, Tubes and Pump - This is a radially-mounted adjustable dead-weight parts system, the pump and tubes can automatically transfer the Liquid Ballast between ballast tanks as the fuel is used up, to maintain near-perfect balance while the craft is in flight. to use, simply place an empty ballast tank where the center of mass is while all fuel tanks are full, then empty all of the fuel tanks and place a full ballast tank in a location on the craft that would move the center of mass back to where it originally was, then connect the tanks with tubes and an electric-powered pump. and finally transfer the liquid ballast to the empty ballast tank. and refill your fuel tanks. The Liquid Ballast resource should weigh about 2 or 3 times more than LFO, making it possible to re-balance large crafts with the shortest tank-transfer distance.
  6. VTOL Accelo-Gyro - a place-anywhere part that can, when toggled, automatically maintain level-flight (pitch & roll zeroed) and controllable hovering height, as well as a separate, toggled acceleration detection mode to automatically counter-pitch and counter-roll in a direction to keep the craft in a single spot without drifting away. used in VTOL crafts that use non-VTOL engines.
  7. Bi-Directional Fuel Duct - remember that recalled fuel duct described in v2? well it's back, painted orange, and transfers fuel in both directions, essentially turning multiple fuel tanks into one big, oddly shaped tank.

The parts pack is made bipartisan from <insert your manufacturer> & Xyphos Labs Inc.

Thanks and best of luck.

Edited by Navy4422
Violation of 3.4
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