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How to make planets with KopernicusTech


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Hi I'm trying to make a star systems mod that just adds stars around the sun, rather than making a black hole in the center of the universe. But some of the stars have masses higher than Kerbol so the sphere of influence for those stars are larger than the semi major axis. I've looked how to change the soi for hours but nothing seems to work please help!

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Um, using StarSystems the Sun is called Kerbol. Also, you don't need StarSystems, just install the latest Kopernicus Version and copy the Nemesis config and rename and re-color to your delight.

Also take a look at the mass values of the stars.

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I got a question. I think I did all the configs right, but literally nothing is showing up. No planet. I can see nothing in the debug menu etc.

Config (kopernicus):




name = Min //change to the name of your planet

flightGlobalsIndex = 187 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs



name = Laythe //Don't change this! Duna and Eve have hard coded colors, so they make bad templates. Use Laythe even if your planet doesn't have oceans.




radius = 300000 //How big is the planet? Laythe is 500000, keeping this number makes clouds easier to use

geeASL = 0.2 //Gravity at sea level. Kerbin is 1, of course

tidallyLocked = False

description = The planet that nobody has been to, yet!

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 5000 30000 60000 100000 200000 400000 800000 //altitudes that time warp can be used at, in meters. Time warps are x1, x5, x10, x50, x100, x1000, x10000, and x100000

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach or to land on, return from.


landedDataValue = 11 //Duna = 8, Laythe = 14

flyingLowDataValue = 11 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 11

flyingHighDataValue = 10.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 10 //Duna = 7, Laythe = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 9.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 8

recoveryValue = 10

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000 //limit between "flying at TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "TutPlanetAtmosphere's upper atmosphere"

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 208000 //limit between "space near TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "space high above TutPlanetAtmosphere"





referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.

color = 0.8,0.6,0.4,1 //RGB color of the orbit line

inclination = 0.0 //inclination in degrees

eccentricity = 0.013 //eccentricity of orbit, don't set this higher than 0.1 especially for large planets

semiMajorAxis = 17500000000 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Kerbin's

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55 //change to whatever you want

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 //change to whatever you want

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change






texture = MinTP/Textures/min_map //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

normals = MinTP/Textures/min_normal //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space


0.0 = 0.90,0.30,0.30,1

0.6 = 0.90,0.50,0.50,1

1.0 = 0.90,0.70,0.70,1


rimPower = 1 //Higher for thicker atmospheres

rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change





ScaleHeight = 5 //same as in Kittopia

ContainsOxygen = False //same as in Kittopia

maxAltitude = 60000 //same as in Kittopia

Multiplier = 1 //same as in Kittopia

lightColor = 0.90, 0.50, 0.30, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB

ambientColor = 0.90, 0.50, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on landed/flying spaceships.

enabled = true


Config (kittopiaspace):





Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = False

AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False




atmosphereContainsOxygen = False //self explanatory, allows jet engines to work

pressureMultiplier = 1 //how thick the atmosphere is at sea level

altitudeMultiplier = 1 //how quickly does the atmosphere get thinner with altitude (higher number = thicker)

atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //does nothing, I think

atmosphereMultiplier = 1 //set this the same as pressureMultiplier

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 60000 //determines what the game says is the atmosphere height (in meters)

atmosphereScaleHeight = 5 //actually determines atmosphere height (Kerbin is 5, Duna is 3, Eve is 7. Decimals are allowed but not shown in game)

ocean = False //self explanatory






modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




heightMap = GameData/MinTP/Textures/min_height.png //Replace this with your file path

heightMapDeformity = 3000 //how tall should the highest mountains be?

heightMapOffset = 800 //If your planet has oceans, set this to a negative number. Play around until you get it right

scaleDeformityByRadius = False




vertexColorMap = GameData/MinTP/Textures/min_map.png //Replace this with your file path




seed = 192363 //change this to any random number

deformity = 50 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be

octaves = 3 //how small do you want the bumps to be

persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens

frequency = 12




seed = 313764 //change this to any random number

deformity = 50 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be

octaves = 3 //how small do you want the bumps to be

persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens

frequency = 0.8




deformity = 100 //Height of dunes or rolling hills on your planet. Looks good on Laythe or Kerbin like planets




modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False //if you want to, set this to true on an ocean planet. You don't need it otherwise




modEnabled = False //don't know exactly what this does. It is another type of small-scale terrain bumpiness




atmosphereDepth = 60000 //How tall the atmosphere looks, how quickly atmospheric color appears as you go down towards the surface

modEnabled = True




I hope somebody can help! :) I'm really struggling with this.

btw.: I'm using KittopiaSpace from KopernicusTech mod and Kopernicus 0.2 beta. (coudn't find kittopiaspace without kopernicustech)

Hello? Can somebody please help me. I'm going on vacation tomorrow so...

Edited by ApertureGaming
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I have tried to make three different planets: a moon, a gas giant and an atmosphere planet. none of them worked.

they are'nt in the debug nor the radar center (or whatever)

i was not quite sure what the copernicus config should be called, it is reffered to as YourSystem.cfg in the tutorial?

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I really need some help. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong. I keep getting error messages reading that the textures can't be found but I'm putting them in the right folders and everything (at least, I think so). I'm at a loss and really want to get a second gas giant put into the solar system but have had no luck as of now. What do I do?

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, so can anyone help me? I've done all that and the planet doesnt appear, at all D:





name = Ursula flightGlobalsIndex = 101

cacheFile = New_Horizons/Cache/Ursula.bin



name = Tylo removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha,PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise




referenceBody = Sun inclination = 19.4450137317181

eccentricity = 1.341

semiMajorAxis = 35400605.7971395 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 112

argumentOfPeriapsis = 100

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1

epoch = 2000

color = 0.25,0.15,0,41




description = This planet was only dsicovered last year! It's orbit was so inclinded that kerbin was not in the correct part of its orbit to see Ursula. Ursula was the kerbal god of Love and Kindness, given to it for its pink terrain.

radius = 400000

geeASL = 1.65

rotationPeriod = 186969.59375

rotates = true

tidallyLocked = true

initialRotation = 332

isHomeWorld = false

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000

biomeMap = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Ursula/PluginData/Ursula_biome.png





name = Melted Face

value = 1.0

color = 1,1,1,1




name = White Flows

value = 1.0

color = 1,0,0,1




name = Ridgelands

value = 1.0

color = 0,0,0,1




name = Surface

value = 1.0

color = 0,0,1,1





landedDataValue = 24.9

inSpaceLowDataValue = 21

inSpaceHighDataValue = 19.7

recoveryValue = 24.9

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 100000





type = Vacuum

fadeStart = 0

fadeEnd = 0



texture = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Ursula/Textures/Ursula_color

normals = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Ursula/Textures/Ursula_normal

shininess = 0

specular = 0.35,0.25,0.15,0





maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03

minLevel = 2

maxLevel = 6

minDetailDistance = 8





map = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Ursula/Textures/Ursula_color.dds

order = 500

enabled = true




map = New_Horizons/KopernicusFiles/NewHorizonPlanets/Ursula/PluginData/Ursula_height.dds

offset = 200

deformity = 7500.0

scaleDeformityByRadius = false

order = 20

enabled = true




seed = 674624

deformity = 1700

octaves = 12

persistence = 0.5

frequency = 4

enabled = true

order = 21




seed = 45

blend = 1.0

colorStart = 0.768656731,0.6996614,0.653089464,1

colorEnd = 0,0,0,1

octaves = 12.0

persistence = 0.5

frequency = 2.0

enabled = true

order = 200




globalDensity = -1E-05

heightFalloff = 6.75

atmosphereDepth = 150000

DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = True

cameraAlt = 0

cameraAtmosAlt = 0

heightDensAtViewer = 0

enabled = true

order = 100




noiseType = RiggedMultifractal

deformity = 1000

seed = 590676637

frequency = 2

lacunarity = 2.5

persistance = 0.5

octaves = 4

mode = Low

enabled = true

order = 22




seed = 4234532

deformity = 400

octaves = 6

persistence = 0.5

frequency = 18

enabled = true

order = 30






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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks sdj64! You really helped me I always wanted to make my own systems and now I can. As soon as im off the curious george ranking im going to start making planet packs or maybe if I get the intelligence I may aswell make part mods, thanks again sdj64 you helped me in this endeavour.

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  DunaLandings said:
Thanks sdj64! You really helped me I always wanted to make my own systems and now I can. As soon as im off the curious george ranking im going to start making planet packs or maybe if I get the intelligence I may aswell make part mods, thanks again sdj64 you helped me in this endeavour.

DO NOT use this for Kopernicus, this is outdated tutorial for kopernicusTECH and is way outdated for kopernicus standalone

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  KillAshley said:
DO NOT use this for Kopernicus, this is outdated tutorial for kopernicusTECH and is way outdated for kopernicus standalone

its too bad no one has yet made an easy to find tutorial for kopernicus, i had to scrounge through tutorials like these trying to find things that still worked.

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  • 7 months later...

OK... so what if I just want to change a planets description? Im messing around with hyper edit and it dont make sense to have a moon from jool saying something about jool when its orbiting kerbin. I want to change the description to something I like. I have no idea how to do it. 

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  On 6/7/2016 at 1:45 AM, Joshua91 said:

OK... so what if I just want to change a planets description? Im messing around with hyper edit and it dont make sense to have a moon from jool saying something about jool when its orbiting kerbin. I want to change the description to something I like. I have no idea how to do it. 


Ask at the Kopernicus thread, KopernicusTech is outdated.


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