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Rhyme zone! [Yes, that was intentional]

Xannari Ferrows

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Intros are boring. Yada yada yada, hi I'm Xannari, let's move on.

Getting right into it, the object of the game is to go about talking to others casually... but with a twist!

Are you a poet? If not, that's fine! Come on anyway!

The conversations should be casual, regular, but... you have to talk in rhymes. Sound challenging enough?

Those good at vocabulary would say no... I'm looking at you, Vexx... Are you a Yoshi? I love Yoshis. You're like Tim; A big, soft Yoshi that we all love.

Silliness aside, why don't I start?

You there! A fine look you have today.

A personal inquiry, I request a brief delay;

Or shall you continue on your way?

...I could treat you to a game of Croquet.


Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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A gracious offer, but Croquet isn't my thing...

But then again, neither can I sing.

Normally I'd engage you in conversation,

but right now I'm on my way to deliver a vocation.

Perhaps some other time?

(This was just another excuse to make one last rhyme!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to go to bed, but I'm here on the forum

All of your pretty sig's fill my page with such decorum

Third-shift sucks, I'll be sleeping until sunset

Goodnight, tired now, of dreams I feel the onset.

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