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0.90 Contracts, Mun, where be ye?

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Greetings Kerbal Kind.

I am dumbfounded, befuddled, confused.

For some reason, early career mode ignores the mun.

I get Minmus contracts before I get a Mun contract.

Re-starting career has become a hobby of sorts, and before 0.90 I'd always get a "government" contract to go an do Mun stuff early on.

But since the last update, I don't see them at all.

Have I accidentally blasted through some milestone that is a requisite, or is my install broken?

This has happened in bot modded & unmodded states.

Anyone else encountered this lack of Mun love?

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I had exactly the same problem. I even got ike contracts before mun. I solved it by completing all my accepted contracts (this is important) and then going into the debug menu and finding the 'clear all contracts' button. This refreshes the explore contracts that are offered, as well as refreshing all the others. I kept doing this until the mun explore mission appeared.

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For some reason the game seems to have stopped giving contracts for unvisited bodies. I usually enter the Mun's SOI, then exit to the space center and then Mun contracts will start popping up. You have to go to he Mun, the game will not tell you to.

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Interestingly, I've had a lack of Mun exploration contracts since dabbling in a new career on Saturday... Eventually I edited the save file and changed the Minmus contract to Mun. In these crazy pre-manouevre-node days, it's really quite important that the game gives you those first, since it's about the only thing you can eyeball.

Just look for "explorebody" in the persistent.sfs file until you find the one for Minmus ("body = 3"), and then in that section, change the body number from 3 to 2. I think there's five occurrences within the explore contract, so be sure to get them all else you'll get a weird mixed contract :)

Happily Jeb is now on his way to a free-return Munar flyby.

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You can decline any contract you haven't accepted and another one will immediately replace it. Usually, a mission of the same prestige / difficulty will be generated in it's place. Since Mun and Minmas are probably going to be in the same difficulty class (1, 2, or 3 stars) you can decline a Minmas contract and have a chance that a Mun one will replace it.

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