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Game very glitchy and crashes repeatedly

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So I decided to boot up KSP for the first time in a few months, and I was greeted with some pretty strange stuff.

First of all, the Kerbal Space Center itself sometimes looks very broken and the terrain is just black. After a minute it returns to it's normal state, but there are still many visual glitches in the VAB.

Inside the VAB there is a lot of lag and sometimes I'm unable to edit or build anything at all, because all the parts turn transparent, as if there is no base part.

The game crashed a lot the first few times, but it's stopped doing that; now it just freezes, and I have to force-close it. I did find some old mods in my mods folder, but the glitches persist even after I deleted them.

I play on Mac OSX 10.6.8 on Steam, and I have tried rebooting it many, many times as well as deleting the local content.

Does anyone know what's going on?

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Yes, a Unity3D update broke anti-aliasing on the proprietary Linux and OSX graphics drivers, though it's fine with the open source Linux driver that's no help for Mac owners.

Also, the new PPFX edge highlighting doesn't work properly on non Nvidia hardware, this is a fault or oversight by the Unity3D plugin developer.

Please disable anti-aliasing and PPFX in your Settings and restart KSP, if a Unity3D update fixes these issues before 1.0 it'll likely be used, otherwise both anti-aliasing and edge highlighting will be of by default on these platforms with the note that here be dragons.

Anti-aliasing should already be off by default when AMD drivers are detected, as it's been a problem for some time.

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I haven't played KSP in a while, so I decided to boot it up again to see what changes had been made.

The first problem I encountered was that the HUD would often flash on and off and looked pretty broken for a few seconds. There were also a lot of visual glitches in the VAB, like the Kerbals on the floor standing still and flashing on and off.

Sometimes it randomly crashed whenever I pushed a button; which button doesn't seem to matter. I eventually got a spacecraft into orbit, but the game then crashed when I entered IVA.

I had some mods installed, but it was still as broken when I deleted them. A lot of people told me to turn off anti-aliasing, but that didn't work either.

I run KSP on a Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8, using Steam. Here's a crash report I received:

Process: KSP [4202]

Path: /Users/alexandertendeland/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.app/Contents/MacOS/KSP

Identifier: unity.Squad.Kerbal Space Program

Version: Unity Player version 4.5.5f1 (4.5.5f1)

Code Type: X86 (Native)

Parent Process: launchd [106]

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