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Grabber could connect two at once

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I am just writing this because I tried to build a crab shaped craft with two grabbers and lots of chutes which would attach two grabbers for extra strength to large debris I want to land and reclaim. I thought two would work because you can use two docking ports between the same craft.

I tried connecting one grabber, freeing the pivot and swinging the other one into place but the second grabber would not take hold. It did seem to be connected as it would not show the disarm button but did not take hold as the chute craft could still swing on the pivot of the first grabber.

Then I released the first grabber and the chut ship moved away from the debris easily, but the debris appeared to vanished and I could not go to space center or switch via minimap and had to Alt F4 to get out, so clearly a bug there FYI.

I was going to make a bug report but though it my not have been designed for this kind of play so I thought I would put it in a suggestion.

Comments welcome.:)

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I do believe that you cannot claw onto your own ship, because of the way KSP's tree system works with .craft and .sfs persistence versions of .craft files.

Though docking ports work like that.... :huh:

The Klaw is extremely buggy, and I think that's what your problem is. :)

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