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KerboQuest: Scarlet Horizon


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After years of sending robotic exploration vehicles to Duna the KASEA (Kerbal Association of Space Exploration Agency) put together an ambitious project to begin manned operations on the Dunan surface.

Mission Objectives:

  • Establish the Scarlet Horizon orbital station around Duna
  • Position orbital surveyors aournd Duna and Ike to detect surface topography, biomes and karbonite
  • Identify a suitable landing spot
  • Land 2 habitation modules on the surface to support 6 Kerbals
  • Land 2 KProMos (Karbonite processing modules) at the site
  • Land the PFRR at the site (Processed Fuel Return Rocket)
  • Land the DSPR (Duna Surface Pressurized Rover)
  • 3 Kerbals land at the site on the ARTEV 6D "Arty" (Articulating Rocket Thruster Exploration Vehicle)
  • Separate 3 Kerbal crew to land on Ike on a separate ARTEV 6D. Mission extent based on fuel availability
  • Send fuel up to the Scarlet Horizon to refuel the Arty B
  • 3 Kerbals land at the site using the Arty B
  • Begin long range exploration using the fuel from KProMo

Mission parameters will be adjusted based on initial input

Kerbin Return Alignment:

  • Load surface samples and analysis in the APro KSAR (Aft propulsion and Kerbin Science and Analysis Return)
  • Decouple and begin return trip of the APro KSAR
  • Kerbals split into 2 groups, board the Kerves; SH-KRV Ajax and SH-KRV Bingo (Kerbal Return Vessel)
  • Begin trip home leaving the orbital station and ground base abandoned
  • 1 Arty will be left on the ground for use for the next crew

There will be 2 ships on the mission. The main vessel is the Scarlet Horizon and an unnamed Karbonite Drill and Processing Module that is funded primarily from the corporate sector and private donations. The name will be chosen in an online contest.

Scarlet Horizon construction:

The craft is designed to function as a ship and will be stripped of its propulsion and then function as an orbital station

SCHC: Ship/Station Commend and Habitation Core

  • Modified Tymark Crew Module (my name for the 6 kerbal near future command pod) with linkage to the after habitation core
  • The Porch airlock and external stowage (the best thing about the station IMO)
  • 2 docking ports on the hab core for the Kerves
  • Station core with 4 docking ports for the pressurized extension arms which will hold the forward thrusters
  • Science lab mounted with 8 orbital surveying satellites (4 for Duna and 4 for Ike)
  • Sr. docking port

Forward Thrusters x4 (they are in the forward section of the ship, they don't thruster forward)

  • Autonomous crafts that couple to the extension arms to provide propulsion from the stern of the ship
  • Fuel tanks, monoprop outfitted with 4 nuclear engines


  • Mk2 command pod
  • Hitchhiker
  • Service and life support
  • Fuel tanks (this will be locked for crossfeed during the trip and stay at Duna so that they are ready to depart at any time
  • The forward thrusters will dock to the sides of the KRV to provide propulsion the Kerbin

MSS: Main Service Structure

  • Near Future mission girder with monoprop and batteries fitted with 6 RTG's
  • Fixed solar panels
  • Extending solar panels
  • Near future LFO girder surrounded by additional fuel tanks
  • 2 Sr. docking ports for the Duna Habitation Module Landers
  • 2 regular docking ports for the Arties


  • Science lab
  • Probe core
  • Fuel tanks, 4 nuclear engines
  • Radial fuel tanks with 4 more nuclear engines

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  • Aviation Lights
  • Chatterer
  • Deadly Reentry
  • DMagic Orbital Science
  • KAS
  • Kerbal Engineer
  • Infernal Robotics
  • Munar Industries Modular Fuel Tanks
  • NavyFish Docking Alignment Indicator
  • Near Future Construction
  • NF Solar
  • NF Spacecraft Parts
  • 6S Compartments
  • OPT Spaceplanes
  • Procedural Fairings
  • SCANsat
  • Station Parts Expansion
  • Surface Lights
  • TAC Life Support
  • Trajectories
  • Karbonite
  • Universal Storage

SH-Phase 1-Mission 1:

Unkerbaled launch of the SCHC to a low Kerbin orbit. The first version of the Mega N4 was being developed for this program. I had some serious stability issues during the first trials and this made me outfit the rocket with a lot of RSC thrusters for attitude control. I also had an issue with separation of the first stage. I eventually worked these out these out and you can see some of the dramatic fails above.

Construction and testing was completed on the SCHC and it was launched approximately 2 months prior to the window with Duna. The core was placed in a 100km equatorial orbit.

SH-Phase 1-Mission 2:

A 4 Kerbal crew was in launch preparation to dock with the ship, complete diagnostic testing and begin construction. I realized when it was in orbit that I forgot to put ANY lights on it which is heartbreaking. I'm looking for information how make my small surface lights capable of beng picked up using KAS sooo some help there would be great. This crew with eventually strut the heck out of the ship using preplaced strut end points. The Porch needs to be corrected and tested as well.

The Tymark MPV successfully docked and completed those mission requirements. The lag was surprising OK. We'll see as construction continues.

Next update with go over the crew for the main mission and continuation of construction. The next pieces will be the extension arms and forward thrusters.


PS. I use my own phonetic alphabet so its Ajax and Bingo as opposed to Alpha and Bravo

Edited by Delrey
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  • 2 weeks later...

SH-Phase 1-Mission 3

Aboard the Scarlet Horizon

Sherson: I'm at the CO2 runoff exhaust vent. Looks to be frozen over. Am I go to attempt a repair process 1262?

Jeb: Sherson, you are a go to smack the crap out of the ice.

A deep pitched clanging sound reverberates through the hull of the Scarlet Horizon; barely audible aboard the docked service vessel. In the suit of Sherson Kerman it creates and crunching sound heavily dampened by the fabric of a suit.

Sherson: Scarlet Horizon, do you want to perform functionality test of the CO2 exhaust vent?

Shelcas: Shers, where are you relative to the vent?

Sherson: I am directly in front of it using the forward handrail.

Shelcas: That pressurized CO2 will blow out in to space. You’re going to want to move.

Sherson: Actually Kerbin is to my back so I might make to the planet.

Jeb: Move to your right, Sherson.

Sherson: Copy all. Moving to the second forward handrail.

Jeb: We have exhaust of built up CO2. Shers, your reminaing catch-up task is to check that connection on the Duna atmospheric sat. You have 22 minutes before you have to be in the Porch.

After Sherson completed his final task he returned to the Scarlet Horizon command center. The crew snacks and begins to relax before the call with Gene Kerman at KSC.

Jeb: I’m still not excited about this mission. I want to be on that main trip.

Shelcas: We all do, Jeb. Just stay on ship.

Jeb: Someone has to pilot the Ty back to Kerbin.

Sherson: These things basically fly themselves. We can handle it.

Jebediah delivers a long solemn stare towards Sherson. The stare directly through as if gazing into the vast distance of space. Before things became to uncomfortable the monitor sounds and Gene Kerman comes on.

Gene: Scarlet Horizon, this is KSC.

Jeb: We see and copy you, Gene.

Gene: Are you prepared for the arrival of Phase1-M3?

Jeb: Functionality of the life support systems is confirmed and we are a go for receipt of Phase1-M3 Extension Arm Thruster assemblies.

Gene: Good. EAT’s 1 and 3 will be installed at the 45 and 225 degree pressurizing docking adapters.

Sherson: When do we eat?

Gene: Sherson, I think you should pay more attention. There has been an issue at KSC. Aldfield Kerman has failed his medical exam and has been grounded. Sherson, as the next most experienced with the ships functionality we are going to need you to replace him on the SH. We are going to replace you ASAP for SH Phase 1.

The following day Jeb and Sherson monitor as P1-M3 approaches the Scarlet Horizon and positions itself in a parking orbit. The autonomous tug docks with and transports the extension arm for the 45 degree PDA.

Jeb: Confirming docking sequence complete. Shel, give me the readings on the alignment indicators.

Shelcas: We are at 0.14 degrees. Looks good, Commander.

Jeb: Bartfrod, get Shers ready for EVA to connect these up when the final thruster block is docked. Shel and I will head up the tube to perform the work on the fuel lines. Bart, we are going to need you back here keeping in touch with Shers.

After the final thruster block was docked Sherson stepped out on his 3 EVA within 8 days. He knew this mission was ambitious but now he was heading back before completing the full objective. He would have new orders. As he connected support strut after support strut he wondered how would he tell his wife. It was at this time he realized he didn’t have a wife and wondered where all the women are.

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Jeb: Sherson, we got you in the Porch airlock. Hold tight pressurizing. We got contact from KSC while you were out. An XKA-3 Prositos will be up in 5 days. You're heading back.

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Yeah you need food, water and oxygen. There is also carbon scrubbers and water purifiers, which I have installed on the ship. There is nothing a long the lines of a greenhouse to make food though. It adds a lot of stuff I've got to take for this extended mission

- - - Updated - - -

Following the disqualification of Aldfield Kerman, the next best option for ship support was clearly Sherson. Involved with development of its life support and one of the lead designers of the ARTEV 6D, Sherson knew the equipment better than anyone. KASEA dispatched a XKA-3 Prositos spaceplane to retrieve him.

Note: Prositos means accessible in Greek.

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Desdorf: Copy that. We are T-minus 13 minutes to takeoff

Gercal: I've finished inputting the assent profile straight to the Scarlet Horizon.

Desdorf: KSC can you confirm trajectory.

Tower: Des, you are go to proceed on the assent profile.

Desdorf: Obney, are you prepared for launch.

Obney: Des, let's do it.

Following the assent the XKA-3 makes a straight shot to the Scarlet Horizon. Sitting in a parking orbit it allowed Obney to board the SH while Sherson returned to the ship. Completion of the mission was nearly flawless; the landing proved to be slightly off.

Phase-1 M-4

Launch of EAT2 and EAT4 was a success. Honestly (this is me talking now) docking these thrusters was some of the hardest stuff I've done in KSP. They do not have a balanced center of mass, the RSC jets were installed for use on the completed craft, controlling from docking port translated the controls and they have to aligned perfectly. The hardest part of construction is done.

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Next launch is the Main Service Structure which contains the power systems and fuel tanks. I'm think I'm going to do a breakdown of the ships that have been used so far with some of the features.


Edited by Delrey
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Phase 1 Mission 5

Launch of the Main Service Structure. This large module contains nearly all of the fuel for the trip to Duna as well as the main power systems. I used a near future mission supplies girder with batteries and monoprop. This is outfitted with fixed solar panels, extendable solar panels and 6 RTG's. The connecting girder is the main fuel module. Once in orbit around Dune this will serve as fuel storage for extended missions. The fuel return rocket will shuttle processed Karbonite to the SH.

I added 2 3.75m liquid boosters to the standard launch system. This had issues resulting in probably the largest explosion I have seen. I did another staging test on the next launch which lead to that nice pic of the pieces shooting off in random directions. I modified to 4 2.5 boosters and this worked out. Direct from surface rendezvous and docking went without incident once the heavy lifter was worked out.

I included an image with a breakdown of the current ship components. I also did a test of the just forward propulsion system. This thing is actually pretty maneuverable and it flies straight. The throttle just needs to be brought up slowly. The thrusters do flare out which is going to limit the efficiency, unfortunately. Now you can get a feel for how this ship is going to look.

After docking the crew of the Tymark commissioned the electrical systems and loaded the station with life support supplies, topped off the monoprop tanks and returned to Kerbin. The next launch will be the Aft Propulsion and Kerbin Science and Analysis Return Vessel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scarlet Horizon Program: Phase 2 - Mission 1 : Table for Two

The first mission of the second phase is the launch and docking of the entire mission on the 2 ARTEV 6D's which will be transported to Duna. The mission was given the call sign Table for Two for T-4-2 The craft is a Mk2 Space plane core with Infernal robotics rotatrons that mount radial fuel tanks from Modular Fuel Tanks and 48-7S engines. The forward articulating rocket thruster is extended on girders. This allows all 4 engines to fire in forward direction. The basic design has been used for Munar and Mino operations but the 6D Class is mission specific. Addition fuel tanks, blue landing lights, extended life support systems, parachutes and updated skycrane hover mode software (after the escapades on Mun on the ARTEV 4) fill out the craft for multipurpose, extended Dunan operations.

Exploration Team Ajax:

Hanlo Kerman: Mission Commander, Pilot

Sherson Kerman: Mission Specialist, ME/EE

Hennard Kerman: Medical Officer, Biologist, MD

Exploration Team Bingo:

Ronbas Kerman: Pilot, Astrophysicist

Lufield Kerman: Deputy Medical Officer, Chief Engineer, ME/Civil

Melhat Kerman: Mission Specialist, Geologist

I installed EVE and Astronomers Visualization pack as well as Procedural Parts. The visual upgrades on the mission images cant be quantified.

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