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Lets Talk about Possums!


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This may be the most important thread you will read all day :Y

the virginan opossum is one of the few known north American marsupials and have many unique anatomical properties, including:

hands with opposable thumbs

feet with opposable thumbs

a large ratlike tail

resistance to all kinds of snake venom and rabies

pouches that give them the nickname "clockbellies" (ill let ya work that one out ;P)

large mouselike ears

big pink noses


I love these ratty lil garbage babies and id like to know if anyone else has some cute possum pictures or perhaps a pet opossum :P

my favorite repository for all things opossum -->http://www.opossummypossum.com/

Edited by boxley
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Nice dentals on that Opossum despite the questionable diet.

Wide molers at the back and incisors at the front.

By the way, I see both Opossum and Possum here.

What's the difference? Plural?

well, there is no real difference, possum can also refer to the australian marsupual but here we're just referring to the ratlike north american one.

it is technically opossum but possum is easier to say

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Where I live we have (what I think is) a large possum living in the tree in our backyard. Never seen it up close in daylight, but I've definitely heard it running around in the tree, chasing rats and whatnot.

I suppose they might be cool as a pet, but when you've got one (or more) watching you from the darkness whenever you walk outside... it's a lil creepy. 0.0

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The almost look like very hairy pigs that can hang from trees by their tales... Or are they?! 8d

Around where I live we basically only have possum and racoons and squirrels and other smaller animals. The rest are strays. No skunks, thankfully. Unlike some places farther north of us! 8D

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