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Kerbals idle animation on EVA

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So I was playing a career game, had a contract to put a base on Minmus with a ten kerbal capacity and decided to a returnable lander with ten kerbonauts so they get experience. Which means, once I landed, I was sending everyone on EVA to plant a flag.

Now, besides looking into that particular dynamic (doing the same repetitive task over and over ten times isn't fun), there is also the fact that kerbals on the ground are static: you control one, but all the others around him are just statues. So I think it would be nice/cute/benefit immersion if there are a few animations kerbals on the ground would do when they aren't controlled so they look alive, and if possible, interact with each other while not moving too much from the place they are (or getting thrown into orbit if they are in Gilly).

Either neutral stuff, like moving the arms, looking around and stuff like that or more "fun" stuff like making a dust castle, jumping on top of each other, pretending to take selfies of themselves (as players do when taking screenshots), etc.

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So I was playing a career game, had a contract to put a base on Minmus with a ten kerbal capacity and decided to a returnable lander with ten kerbonauts so they get experience. Which means, once I landed, I was sending everyone on EVA to plant a flag.

Now, besides looking into that particular dynamic (doing the same repetitive task over and over ten times isn't fun), there is also the fact that kerbals on the ground are static: you control one, but all the others around him are just statues. So I think it would be nice/cute/benefit immersion if there are a few animations kerbals on the ground would do when they aren't controlled so they look alive, and if possible, interact with each other while not moving too much from the place they are (or getting thrown into orbit if they are in Gilly).

Either neutral stuff, like moving the arms, looking around and stuff like that or more "fun" stuff like making a dust castle, jumping on top of each other, pretending to take selfies of themselves (as players do when taking screenshots), etc.

Love if one of them just whipped out a K-Phone :)

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