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Laythal Space Program SSTO Challenge

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OK, the colonies on Laythe split off when the United Kerbal Government decided to ignore them. The decision was based on the fact that President Kerbalington Kerman was confused by the silent "E" at the end of Laythe, and proclaimed that the only rational thing to do would be to annihilate the moon. When reminded of the colonies there, the president decided that it would be easier to just pretend that Laythe was destroyed instead. The Laythe colonies soon began to rise into their own nation. This was easy, what with the pretending-they-didn't-exist-anymore and all. The first thing the United Islands of Laythe did was to build their own space program.

The Challenge

You must build an SSTO, that will start on Laythe then visit every other moon in the Jool system and return to Laythe safely. After reaching each moon, you may either:

1. Land the SSTO on the moon, then leave for the next one.

2. Launch a manned probe to the surface. The probe may or may not re-dock with the mother-ship but it must return to Laythe with kerbal intact.

A combination of either is acceptable.

The Rules

1. No Excessive part-clipping.

2. No cheating (You know what I mean...)

3. The SSTO may be moved to Laythe by any means. (All mods acceptable)

4. If you use any mods in the actual challenge, say what they are!

5. If you think it should be ageist the rules, don't do it! (Rules are subject to change)

Scoring Ranks

0. At Least I Tried...: Land on 3 of the moons and return or 4 but do not return.

1. I Did It!: Just complete the challenge

2. For Science!: Use Thermometer, Mystery Goo, Gravioly Detector, and Science Jr. on the surfaces of all Moons. No transmiting unless you brought a mobile processing lab. (Not recomended)

3. For Science! Mk2: Same as "For Science!", but a probe must also be sent on a one-way trip into Jool, with the Thermometer, Mystery Goo, Gravioly Detector, Science Jr., Barometer, Computing Nose Cone, and a way to transmit all the raw data. (You can do this with or without a sacrifice to the Kraken)

4. Economist: Do the all of the above, but recover every part sent out to space. (Except for the Jool Probe)

5. Jebediah's Level: All of the above AND send a rover to Kerbin. As the only other habitable planet in the Kerbol system, the United Islands of Laythe may want to colonize there one day... Rover may or may not be manned, does not need to return, and stages may be lost on voyage.


1. You can either submit a video of the entire challenge. (Sped up, if you want to)

2. Take screenshots of ship; pre-takeoff with part count, flying, in orbit, over each moon, landed on each moon, leaving each moon, re-entering Laythe's atmosphere, and kerbals safely landed.

Good Luck!

Edited by gigaboom2
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