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[Tutorial] How to make a planet-gas giant and moon.


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In the past planet pack creators used Planet Factory, a RAM consuming mod that, however was the only one that could add planets. Now it no longer works but a new, better system is used to make planets. I present you [KopernicusTech!](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109122-WIP-KopernicusTech-An-integration-attempt-between-Kopernicus-and-KittopiaTech-(0-121-02-13-15))

**Planet Tutorial Phase 1- Creating a Kopernicus config**

* Locate the "Configs" foler in GameData/Kopernicus/Configs. You will see a file called "System". Don't touch that.

* Copy the "System" file, paste it there and rename the copy to what you want.

* Open the copied file with a text editor (like Notepad) and delete everything.

Now the *fun* part begins. Start writing the code. Start with this:





name = Sarvin

flightGlobalsIndex = 700

//The flightGlobalsIndex is just a number that acts like an ID for your planet. Use 700 for example.


//The template determins what your planet is based on. Choose Jool for gas planets, Laythe for ocean planets and Moho, Tylo, Gilly, Bop and Pol for usual rocky planets.


name = Jool




radius = 5600000

//radius determins how big is your planet or what distance is from center to surface in meters. Choose one bigger than 8000

geeASL = 0.3

//geeASL sets the gravity value. For reference 1 is on Kerbin and 0.5 on Gilly.

mass = 1.23e+2

//mass of planet is mostly unimportant.

description = A blue gas giant.

rotationPeriod = 39000



landedDataValue = 130

splashedDataValue = 1

flyingLowDataValue = 56

flyingHighDataValue = 45

inSpaceLowDataValue = 92

inSpaceHighDataValue = 79

recoveryValue = 7





referenceBody = Sun

//What body the planet orbits.

color = 0.823529,0.705882,0.54902,1

//Orbit's color is specified in RGB numbers. The last "1" is the opacity. Allways set it to 1.

inclination = 2.3

eccentricity = 0.04

semiMajorAxis = 135798522368

//Distance from parent body in meters.

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.1

epoch = 1343.91






texture = Kerbol+/Textures/Sarvin_map

//Here's where you specify the texture used.


//This adds a rim around the planet. Like tye blue aura around Kerbin seen from orbit. This is too an RGB value.


0.0 = 0.72549,0.81961,0.83529,1

0.6 = 0.0549,0.0784,0.141,1

1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1


rimPower = 2.06

rimBlend = 0.3




//That was how to make a gas giant. For that we didn't needed terrain. Now I'll tech you how to make a moon around it.



name = Daphy

flightGlobalsIndex = 701



name = Tylo




radius = 80000

geeASL = 0.5

mass = 2.6191e+22

description = A small moon covered in fluff.



landedDataValue = 130

splashedDataValue = 1

flyingLowDataValue = 56

flyingHighDataValue = 45

inSpaceLowDataValue = 92

inSpaceHighDataValue = 79

recoveryValue = 7





referenceBody = Sarvin

color = 0.823529,0.705882,0.54902,1

inclination = 2.3

eccentricity = 0.04

semiMajorAxis = 42592946

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.1

epoch = 1343.91






texture = Kerbol+/Textures/Daphy_map

normals = Kerbol+/Textures/Daphy_normal

Now we nead some thing new: a normal map. That gives your planet an aproximated low quality terrain when seen from far away, Tracking Station or map view.





**Remember to close al, the brakets acordingly. Anytime you open one you must close it.**

Ok guys, that was the planet creation itself. But, if you want to land on that moon the custom texture will disappear and a copy of a stock planet template you used will replace it. And so, we will nead another way to load the custom terrain.

**Planet Tutorial Phase 2-Adding custom terrain**

* Locate the "SaveLoad" folder in GameData/KittopiaSpace/SaveLoad.

* Create an empty notepad file.

* Start writing the required code.

Here's what you will use. Remember that the file must have the name as the planet you're creating. The same is in the Kopernicus part.

Paste this inside the created notepad file.





Stock = False

//No idea as of what this means...

AddAtmoFx = False

AtmoWaveColour = RGBA(0.927, 0.804, 0.668, 0.0)

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = False

AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False



//This is where you add the terrain.




heightMapOffset = 0

heightMapDeformity = 3700

//The deformity specifies how rough is the surface of the planet. For reference 0 will give you flat terrain, 1500 will give you some decent hills and 15000 will make your planet a spiky rock.

heightMap = GameData/Kerbol+/Textures/Potatus_height.png

//The height map texture indicates how the terrain will look. They are basicaly grey images of your color map (_map file) and you can preety much make canions, crater and everything yku like if you have proper skill (I don't).



//This helps the hight map overlap nicely over the color map. (Red craters are where crater's terrain should be.


modEnabled = True

vertexColorMap = GameData/Kerbol+/Textures/Potatus_map.png

blend = 1.0

order = 9999993




[bONUS](http://m.imgur.com/VxKjsU1) texture for gas giant. Please don't use it as your own since I already use it in my [Kerbol Plus mod.](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112339-0-90-WIP-KopernicusTech-KerbolPlus?p=1770612#post1770612)

Thanks for viewing! I hpe it works for u. Some textures are missing from this tutorial so If you want to learn how to make planets better, study thiese planet packs created the same way.

* [Kerbol Plus](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112339-0-90-WIP-KopernicusTech-KerbolPlus?p=1770612#post1770612) by me

* [Outer Planets Mod](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104280-0-90-Outer-Planet-Mods-Expands-the-Kerbol-system-with-new-planets-based-on-Saturn) by /u/CaptRobau and /u/Eudae55

* [Outer Planets Plus](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112225-0-90-OuterPlanetsPlus-2-0-1-Initial-release-2-Mar) by _Augustus_

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