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Launch tonight @ 10:44 (3/12/15)


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So, is this our thread tonight? Haha.

No really this mission is nutso. From what I gather, the Earth Scientists know that magnetic field reconnection happens, they know what happens when it happens, but they don't know WHAT happens when it happens WHERE it happens.

Or something.

Here are some links:

Live: http://www.ulalaunch.com/nasa.aspx

Good vid: http://www.space.com/28806-nasa-magnetispheric-multiscale-launch-webcast-tonight.html

Photographers: http://www.space.com/28811-nasa-magnetic-multiscale-launch-photography.html

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Yes, this time it's planned. Not a new thing of course.

Yeah, I just messaged all my in-game MMO buds with the link telling them 5 minutes till launch. Got everyone psyched for nothing.

I always do it with my friends. I used to miscalculate the timezone difference but with the strict rules for launch nothing is sure anyway.

Edited by Reddragon
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Come to think of this mission, do you think that KSP should have stock magnetometer science experiments?


I think KSP should have all sorts of science experiments, and that they should give only certain kinds of science that can be spent on certain parts of the tech tree. I also think the tech tree should be much more expansive with fewer parts per node. I think the prerequisites should be more flexible. For example, any aerodynamic tech is available once you have half the proceeding level of aerodynamic techs.

Then you could study towards Aero, or towards larger engines, or towards more efficient engines, etc...

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