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[1.1.2]AoA Tech Aviation Parts Ver. 1.3.5 PRE 04MAY2016


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  frozenwatters said:
Can someone elaborate for me what "B9/OPT CoL" means? I understand the Centre of Thrust part and I know what B9 is, just have no clue what OPT is.


"OPT" is another part maker. The B9 set revised the Mk2 fuselage section, and you can't really mix those with stock. OPT has essentially produced a really big version of the Mk2 for large spaceplanes.

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"CoL" is centre of lift

The problem that was described may be a sign of getting short on usable RAM. I've had exactly the same symptoms, and I don't use FAR. I am thinking I may have to do SpacePlane things in a different install, without the big boosters. These things can all be well-designed for RAM usage, but it adds up nevertheless. Or it may be some sort of memory leak. It depends on the OS, but certainly consider a KSP restart, check for crud running in the background, and maybe restart the OS.

(Most people need the Firespitter plug-in. Most of the Firespitter parts, while good, are superfluous. Do you really need that biplane when you're flying hypersonic spaceplanes? You do get the choice.)

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  General Venter said:
When i have this mod on, b9 procedural wings and opt wings DONT work. The controlsurfaces wont move. Can you look into it or tell me how to fix it? BTW epic mod!

It was mentioned earlier in this thread that the FAR_config.cfg in the AoATech folder is causing those issues, remove that cfg for now. I think I may have fixed the issue. Will post on the next update.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  SmarterThanMe said:
They're good... Can you share the .craft's?

The .craft files will be in the next update. Coming soon..ish

  Porkjet said:
Looks awesome, nice work!


- - - Updated - - -

  drtedastro said:
I am sure that those images look great. Just shame too dark to see them.?

Yeah it took forever just getting the two aircraft together.

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I forgot to mention: please delete and previous AoATech folder if updating to 1.2.

Also, the craft files were designed with FAR, not sure how well they will fly with stock aero.

Edited by martinezfg11
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Just a suggestion regarding the parts, and just an opinion, so take it for what it's worth: the masses of the cockpits (especially the Reaper) are crazy for anyone using FAR. A patch could be included that changes them only when FAR is present, like this, though obviously you might have a different idea of what the masses should be:



{@mass *= 0.7}


{@mass = 1.4}

Just by way of comparison: the reaper drone pod weighs 2.5 tons. That's 5500ish pounds. An entire real MQ-9 Reaper, wings, fuselage, engines and all, weighs 4901 pounds (without fuel) according to good ol' Wikipedia.

Not so much a problem in Stock, I guess, since stock parts also have insane weights for what they are. They seem fine and all, though sometimes silly-high cockpit weights (or engine weights, or whatever) make for some funny configurations to make the CoL anywhere close to the CoM. But in FAR it makes it impossible to get planes off the ground at anywhere near reasonable speeds even with gigantic wings.

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  AccidentalDisassembly said:
Just a suggestion regarding the parts, and just an opinion, so take it for what it's worth: the masses of the cockpits (especially the Reaper) are crazy for anyone using FAR. A patch could be included that changes them only when FAR is present, like this, though obviously you might have a different idea of what the masses should be:

Just by way of comparison: the reaper drone pod weighs 2.5 tons. That's 5500ish pounds. An entire real MQ-9 Reaper, wings, fuselage, engines and all, weighs 4901 pounds (without fuel) according to good ol' Wikipedia.

Not so much a problem in Stock, I guess, since stock parts also have insane weights for what they are. They seem fine and all, though sometimes silly-high cockpit weights (or engine weights, or whatever) make for some funny configurations to make the CoL anywhere close to the CoM. But in FAR it makes it impossible to get planes off the ground at anywhere near reasonable speeds even with gigantic wings.

I'll take this into consideration. Honestly, the part's mass values were mostly put there without much thought, I roughly based them on the part mass values of stock parts. I fear though, If I lower the part masses, The total CoM on any aircraft will usually be toward the rear of the craft.

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  martinezfg11 said:
I'll take this into consideration. Honestly, the part's mass values were mostly put there without much thought, I roughly based them on the part mass values of stock parts. I fear though, If I lower the part masses, The total CoM on any aircraft will usually be toward the rear of the craft.

With FAR at least, lowering masses like that was the only way of not having the CoM really far forward on normal-looking craftf - I kept having to put wings RIGHT behind cockpits to get things balanced, or adding non-canard wings to the cockpits themselves, just to pull the CoL up near the CoM! Happened for me with lots of parts though, yours aren't different in that respect. Not sure why it works out OK in Stock...

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  AccidentalDisassembly said:
With FAR at least, lowering masses like that was the only way of not having the CoM really far forward on normal-looking craftf - I kept having to put wings RIGHT behind cockpits to get things balanced, or adding non-canard wings to the cockpits themselves, just to pull the CoL up near the CoM! Happened for me with lots of parts though, yours aren't different in that respect. Not sure why it works out OK in Stock...

Ok, I've amended the values to the FAR_config. I'll post it today as a hotfix.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Veeltch said:
Nice! Would be cool if it matched the mk2 textures more. Any chance we can expect a very wide FOV cockpit? Like Arado had?


I would enjoy something like that a lot. Would be cool to see whats underneath your feet while landing

E: OK nevermind its been done already.

Where was it done?

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