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Anyone in preferably Western Europe want to ship me an AM2 mobo?


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My motherboard melted last month, so I can\'t play KSP, and I don\'t have the money to upgrade my CPU, RAM and mobo to something more recent.

So, here is my plea, can anyone ship me a working AM2 mobo to tide me over till I have some money for upgrades? I\'d obviously pay for shipping.

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I burned two ASUS boards in a row for my old X2 4800+, but got them replaced by the warranty. Then I finally got a Gigabyte board as replacement along with a replacement for the CPU (to the AM2 version), a SATA 2 HD and new RAM . It lasted for years. A couple of weeks ago the comp shut down randomly from time to time, I eventually found that a component on the board had blown up and burnt. It was a hard time finding an AM2 board, and when I did I found one online which cost about 70€ incl. shipping etc, which is a bit much considering the age of it.

I can\'t send you a board, but I can direct you to a shop located in Sweden where I got my board from.

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I\'d have upgraded my entire system, had I had the money, since that\'s the only way other than an ancient motherboard that my rig is ever going to be up and running again. It\'s just that I don\'t, My glasses have broken, my car is being fixed and I have about ten euros per week for food. I wasn\'t going to post the sob story, but I feel I need to justify it now you\'ve called my honour into question.

Add to that the fact that AM2 is about five years out of date, technology wise and anybody with one lying around likely isn\'t going to be using it any time soon, it seemed like a reasonable enough request.

Believe me, I\'d rather buy a new one, and just because I am asking, that does not mean I\'m a dirty beggar. I mean, you\'ll never get anywhere if you don\'t ask, right?

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I\'d have upgraded my entire system, had I had the money, since that\'s the only way other than an ancient motherboard that my rig is ever going to be up and running again. It\'s just that I don\'t, My glasses have broken, my car is being fixed and I have about ten euros per week for food. I wasn\'t going to post the sob story, but I feel I need to justify it now you\'ve called my honour into question.

Add to that the fact that AM2 is about five years out of date, technology wise and anybody with one lying around likely isn\'t going to be using it any time soon, it seemed like a reasonable enough request.

Believe me, I\'d rather buy a new one, and just because I am asking, that does not mean I\'m a dirty beggar. I mean, you\'ll never get anywhere if you don\'t ask, right?

Could be worse, you could be living in belgium...after ww1

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