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Destruction Derby- Mini Edition

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Ok, so basically, your challenge is to blow up Kerbal Space Center!


Any parts are available to you!

You are allowed to use the VAB or the SPH.

Manned craft, do the heroic thing, and go down with the ship. :P

Smaller craft will get bonus points, depending on the amount of parts (which will be judged by me)

Post any developments to the thread!

EDIT: New Rule: NO CHEATS, No infinite fuel, no Whack a kerbal, none of that.

Also, a score system, so it looks nice

SPH: 15 points

VAB: 20 points

Admin Building: 15 points

Any launch sites, The one for the VAB and the runway- 5 points each

Astronaut Center: 30 points (cause of dead kerbals, you awful person)

Any other buildings are an automatic 20 points


Noorm- 75 points

Edited by Mr Tiddles
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Ladies and gentlemen... THE HYPE TRAIN!!! (With an old and creepy train song!)

I had 15 bombs wagons at the beginning, but I only destroyed the VAB (+20), the astronauts complex (+30), an R&D building (+20) and part of the runway unintentionally (+5)! With more determination (lots of debris and lag) and without an exploding runway, this concept could probably decimate the whole population of Kerbin!

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well, i guess so, but your still trying to get small, small craft get bonuses!

Uh... nowhere in the scoring or even in the rules at all do you specify this. If this is your goal either part count or weight should probably be subtracted from your score.

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