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i do wonder, when are we gonna hear about new planets?

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I agree that we need more planets.

I also agree I want Unity5 for 64-bits and more memory to manage these things

I also believe unloading the textures when you leave an SOI to be an excellent idea, that way we can have even better textures.

Hopefully we'll get them of professional quality too. This would be an Ideal thing for a DLC in the future IMHO,

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I would like to say that if we do get more planets, it will have to be after 64 bit is stable on windows (and thus making 32-bit the less recommended one, I mean seriously who still has a 32 bit computer), and that they should definitely hire the guys who do Outer Planets Mod to do the artwork for them. Maybe not directly porting in the planets, but they are the only planetcrafters who have mastered stockalike planet making.

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There's at least one mod for this: Outer Planets :)

One thing holding the devs back may be memory. Combining OP with other mods basically requires active texture management and OpenGL mode. They probably need to sort out not loading planetary models and textures when you can't see them before they go ahead and add more to stock.

It barely uses any memory. 50-120 MB is nothing.

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I would like to say that if we do get more planets, it will have to be after 64 bit is stable on windows (and thus making 32-bit the less recommended one, I mean seriously who still has a 32 bit computer), and that they should definitely hire the guys who do Outer Planets Mod to do the artwork for them. Maybe not directly porting in the planets, but they are the only planetcrafters who have mastered stockalike planet making.

I would think they'd just integrate OPM. It's too awesome.

Also yes, I agree about 64bit but OPM can still be run with just as many mods, the only reason it uses the amount of memory that it does is because it uses an external plugin. If the OPM planets were actually integrated they would have an almost-unnoticeable effect on memory.

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