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Major Milestone: 150,000 downloads!!


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This is so amazing!!

It's really great to know how much people are interested in Kerbal Space Program!! Now we have passed the 150,000 downloads!!


Yey! Congratz KSP :w00t: :thumbup:

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'Onwards! We must reach onwards, further than Kerbalkind has ever reached. First we sent Kerbalnauts in to space. Then we sent them in to orbit about Kerth. Soon the moon, the other panets, the stars are in our grasp! So onwards to GLORY!!'

Congratulations on the well-deserved milestone and may it be followed by more :)

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150K downloads in 18 days... That's an average of 8333 per day over the current lifespan

Lets talk some cash here.

Lets take the conservative estimate that 50% of the people are just downloading a free demo and that 50% are paying. Now imagine when the game gets a price tag, lets say $10 for arguments sake.

That would equate to almost $42,000 per day... or around 3/4 of a Million in 18 days had the game been carrying a price tag (using conservative estimates). Heck at $5 a pop that would still be $375K right there.

However, being the smart person that HarvesteR is, he's getting us all hooked first with the free aplha then when the time comes - Early Retirement :)

And I for one do not mind helping him retire young in exchange for this awesome game.

Keep it up bro, you deserve every penny coming your way soon.

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Retirement would mean there would be no Kerbal Space Program II. We wouldn't want that now, would we. Getting rich sounds a lot better. That doesn't prevent future games... =P

I think good Youtube videos will help a great deal spreading the word.

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Retirement would mean there would be no Kerbal Space Program II. We wouldn't want that now, would we. Getting rich sounds a lot better. That doesn't prevent future games... =P

This might be true, but wouldn't sound as cool as - Coming out of retirement, just for the fans ;)

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Lets talk some cash here.

Ah, but remember that many people have downloaded several different versions; and I disagree with your 50/50 ratio of serious downloaders versus freebie junkies - the junkies are multitudinous.

Still, the interest is very encouraging, even if your figures are optimistic!

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Looks promising and i hope the best for your amazing and addictive simulation.

Keep up the good work, you are doing great!

Cheers from France

PS: just succeded in my first elliptic orbit! :op

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  • 2 weeks later...

Read this entire post (excluding this sentence) in a Dr. Evil voice.

First, we steal the 0.9 update.

Then, we hold the developers ransom for...

*Dramatic music here*


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