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What if we used Spore to show the evolution of Kerbkind, as well as to zip around space (and hopefully meeting other Kerbals)?

If anyone\'s any good with spore, could you help me out to make Kerbals?


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I personally loved sPore, and would make a kerbal if I could reinstall the game.(got a new computer and lost disc)

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I really don\'t want to have to start it up for taking a screenshot, so just look up weasel98 in users or whatever. You should find it.

It\'s Spore. All the creature files are .PNG\'s. All you\'d have to do is find the creature in My Documents/My Spore Creations/Creatures and post it as the image file it is.

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While I wouldn\'t say Tribal was a cakewalk, but I generally found it fairly easy. You could stock up some pretty big advantages in Creature Mode. Your tribe automatically got a domesticated animal for each other species you ended Creature Stage allied with, for instance, and that automatic protectable food source was a huge benefit. Beyond that, you just basically had to avoid fighting two other tribes simultaneously.

If you did it right, Civilization could be a cakewalk. You only had one type of land vehicle, one type of air vehicle, and one type of sea vehicle at any one time, so the one key strategy was to build ridiculously fast fragile vehicles, and claim all the spice fountains within reach, then obliterate enemy cities one at a time, by producing a large number of speedy vehicles, racing them over to the enemy city, and transforming them into nearly-immobile tanks for free until you were unstoppable (assuming your civilizaton was Millitary or Religious, anyway) and could inexorably roll over the rest of the planet with your unconquerable blimpswarm.

Space... Well, I do have to admit, once you can basically obliterate an enemy civilization at will, can make milk runs to the galactic center through thousands of parsecs of Grox did get repetetive. A few times that an alien race demanded that I help them stop a virulent disease that endangered the biosphere on one of their colony worlds, I sterilized the planet. But that did get repetetive.

Galactic Adventures held my interest for awhile because the adventure designer, while pretty cumbersome, did make for some interesting setups

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If you guys are serious about modelling a Kerbal in Spore, I suggest you head over to the SporeBase Forums which are now primarily inhabited by myself, a few admins and moderators and a couple of other interesting people and ask Amber\'s help on this. She\'s a genius Spore creature creator. She\'s managed to create creatures which look pretty damned close to humans, or at least some fictional characters. You can find her work scattered around there. She may enjoy having a new project to work on after so long.

If she feels like doing it, the result will be pretty damn good. I guarantee it.

Either send Amber a PM over there or just make a topic in one of the Spore sections; it\'s likely she\'ll see it within a few days, despite the forum being largely abandoned by many of its users.

Good luck. Spode be with you.

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I have Spore.

Cell stage - boring, but would make a good Smart Phone game.

Creature stage - takes way too long. Again, boring.

Tribal stage - Like Civ stage only more boring.

Civilisation stage - This is the stage I like most. Whilst I wish you could actually build cities like in Real Life rather than just jacking other factions\' cities, the strategy involved is fun. I like building HSD land/water/aircraft, so that I can use them here. I also never do the speedercar>disband>slowtank tactic, because I\'d prefer my vehicles be balanced. Makes it that much more interesting, like raising the difficulty level by some.

Space stage - Has potential, but there\'s no actual space travel, and you can\'t have space dogfights. Plus, it crashes all of the time, and there is no autosave feature. That problem has lost me many strong alliances and huuuge... tracts \'o\' land.

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