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Rover power stations


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Hey all! I'm new to this site and have something to share.

I had a dream 2 nights ago that there were rovers all over a unearthly environment. There were hangers everywhere for repairs, tools, fleets of robots of all sizes, cleaning bays etc.

There were massive Rover's the size of a bus that would disassemble itself piece by piece the further it went. It would 'plant' or secure and position these devices onto the surface that would have a few solar panels on it but as it took in the energy it would use that to expand in incremental stages to become a larger solar panel which could charge other robotics so they could go further distances and even preform missions at dark. After it was finished it would retrieve more at a loading Bay and repeat.

I'm not trying to mock the men and women who have worked there lives trying to find ways of exploring other planets; just giving my 2 cents.

If this is in the wrong thread please inform me. It's been on my mind for days and I can't find any information on charging stations for rovers. If I can charge my phone, car, batteries, my own body... There must be a way.

Thank you for your time in reading my dream.

Space enthusiast

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the Solar panel part could be a bit tricky, as it depends on how far away the solid planet/Dwarf planet/moon is away from its local star. If is too far away, in the neighborhood of Pluto, for example, the local star would be too far away and the solar panels would be rendered useless! If you are too close, the solar panels, and any other metallic object, would be melted and/or crushed. Other than that, I love the idea! It actually makes perfect sense for future colonies and exploration waypoints.

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