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The object to your _____ is ____!


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Hello all, another simple game!

The poster will fill in the blanks of the phrase (The object to your _____ is _____) in order to come up with something funny that the next poster will then respond to before making their own phrase!

All phrases must begin with The object to your ____, however the following phrase modifiers are acceptable:

1. becomes _______

2. suddenly begins to _____

3. __(action)__

4. is what you ______

And any other modifiers of a similar type.


Poster 1: The object to your left is the object you now use as a toothbrush !

Poster 2: A sharpie marker...

The object to your right is your defense against an angry hornet's nest !


The object to your right is now what you eat your breakfast off of.

Edited by Maximus97
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Well, depending on how far right, that's either a toy magic-8 ball, or a cat's play tree (with convenient sitting platform)

I'd rather use the 8-ball, the cat would kill me.

The object(s) to your left (within, say one metre) are your supplies in a hiking trip.

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My phone, an external battery for it, a water bottle, and a bunch of stuffed animals...

I guess I am set!

The objects behind your monitor are the only things that will shield you against evils animatronics that try to kill you.

Edited by RainDreamer
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Ooh... either a mechanical pencil, a pen, an Expo marker, a blue sharpie, or a black Crayola marker, or in my other pocket are my phone and exactly $4 in change.... None of them would make good toothpicks, except the pencil if I was desperate!

The farthest object away in the same room as you comes to life.

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Laptop, C# programming book, water bottle (dammit, it's empty), camera, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion game disc, and a crapton of clutter.

The thing you last read (physically, non-internet) you have to write an extensive paper on.

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Oh darn. My bottle of Hydrogen peroxide got moved. What a tragedy... *moves it back*

The object you last picked up will now bite you the next time you try to pick it up.

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Oh darn. My bottle of Hydrogen peroxide got moved. What a tragedy... *moves it back*

The object you last picked up will now bite you the next time you try to pick it up.

...Either my water bottle, or my cat. The former would be weird, the latter not so much.

The last thing you wrote with will explode when you use it, where will it most likely be used, and what damage will be done?

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the last thing you will eat will eat you

Umm... I don't know what I will eat last. If it's the last thing I did eat, then it was a maple doughnut. Mmmm... Maple doughnuts...

The object to your right is now permanently stuck to your body!

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Oh, cool, integrated pocket watch. I just hope it's not stuck upside down so I can at least read time with it :D

The object directly behind the wall in front of you has suddenly accelerated in a random direction! What's the damage?

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