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more planets ??


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what is the best mod to add more planets and systems to kerbal I am really new, i have landed on mun, but im looking for more planets to explore. i have also tried to get the karbonite mod to work no luck there. not only this there are a few other mods like the eve that does not work as far as I can tell. I am using the latest beta version, im not sure that is causing conflicts or not.

any mods suggestions would be helpful.

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KopernicusTech is your best option. Planet Factory: Creators Edition is no longer being developed and is subject to really bad glitches. There are some really outstanding packs for KopernicusTech, too, such as the Outer Planets Mod.

The original Kopernicus also is being worked on, it's probably the most stable. As I type this I am helping to work on a multiple-star-systems mod for it. Unfortunately with normal Kopernicus only gas giants and stars are possible for now.

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The original Kopernicus also is being worked on, it's probably the most stable. As I type this I am helping to work on a multiple-star-systems mod for it. Unfortunately with normal Kopernicus only gas giants and stars are possible for now.

Okay, thanks. :)

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