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Linquid Engine starts to fire instantly withouth stageing

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Hi felllow kerbonauts,

KSP: 0.9

Now i have this strange Problem:

When i launch a vessel, all liquid engines start to fire as soon as the loading of the launchpad scene has ended. I don't need to press the space bar to start things, needyless to say this complicates more complex rocket designs.

I had this problem a while back with not that many mods installed, but a restart of KSP solved that. But now it is back and restart does not solve it.

But there is one strange thing, it only affects liquid fuel engines. SRBs do wait till i press space. Also it affects all stages.

I revalidated the game files with steam and it found 3 files who where not correct. however, replacing those did not solve the problem.

I personaly think this has nothing to do with a mod but as i have quite a lot of mods installed (wich only a few recently since the bug is shown)

Here is the even more stranger thing, i reverted back to my latest stable mod install. Then this happens:

First test with rocket: All good, rocket engine waits till i press space. (loaded direktly at the launchpad)

Second rocket, loaded from the VAB, engines start to fire as soon as the loading ends....

could it be that the VAB has something to do with this ?

I noticed that the engines start as soon as the presence file is loaded, could this be broken ?

Also when i build a craft from scratch this behaviour does not occour. Only when i load some craft i build earlier. Also there not on every craft.

I'm totaly lost here.

Here is the craft file: With this the bug started to appear and only with this the bug is every time present: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=03302074608351353404

Ok now it gets really crazy, if i switch the engine in the file above with the same engine the bug is gone, not autostart anymore.

The Player log does not show any errors....

Any Ideas ?


Edited by ManuxKerb
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