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Green names?


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That might be a silly question ... but why are most of the user names green suddenly? Is this part of a unknown April prank? Or just a general change in the forum?


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It´s there for me.


- - - Updated - - -

And lots of people seem getting the "Moderator" title lately...

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so we are all moder8or5?

greentext!!! just liek 4chan jk d;

longbyte1 was banned by stupid_chris for 3 days (trolling)

stupid_chris was banned by longbyte1 (kek)

gotta police each other.. watch our backs..

EDIT: Somebody's gotta "ban" Harv, just for laughs.

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...back to the topic of 'Green Names,' they aren't there anymore. Alas. I enjoyed my time as a moderator... I made some good threads and such.

Unfortunately, it seems as if the description 'Moderator' will stay put. This means that there'll probably be several dozen people who have the designation of 'Moderator' but who aren't. Is there any way of changing this... or should it be changed?


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