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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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I am extremely late to the train, can I still get a ticket? I have ten funds right here.

Ten funds? Wow, thats like... $3,781.30!

btw I calculated the worth of a fund via the price of fuel and got ~ $378.13, although now that I think about it funds are probably worth more given that by that logic most 90% of rockets cost under 1 billion dollars

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It's odd that I see all these people dealing with lack of RAM. I can run a quantity of mods that rivals Eve in size, and suffer nothing more than a massive FPS hit.

And I have 3.5 gigs of RAM.

I have 8 :3 still get 2 fps when the ship is 1500-2500 parts... unsure after that. My maximum fps is set to 10.

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I have 8 :3 still get 2 fps when the ship is 1500-2500 parts... unsure after that. My maximum fps is set to 10.

I am jealous of you people who can get something that big without crashing all the time. I was crashing a lot when building my 614 part Duna colony ship

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