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Please help me pick resource extraction mod.


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Basically my plan to launch a huge ship into orbit then travel around kerbol system is shaping up slowly. With mods like KAS, TACLS etc. I figured that I will need some "shuttles" of supplies (Food and Water) from time to time but that is fine. Yesterday I started thinking of actually making one of my support crafts (I have 1x 5m and 2x mk3 cargo bays) to be one that will go and mine an asteroid and replenish my fuel reserves.

I may as well use my "Shuttle system" to haul fuel as well as food when my reserves are getting low, but I would like to mine asteroids. I have a huge base (5m bay) that I can drop to surface and back on most bodies with no atmosphere). I have small exploration craft and I have a space plane for the atmosphere exploration and 1 empty bay.

So, I did see Scott Manley recovering 1 of his miners, then ran out of fuel, but managed to process some fuel and save it from falling. What mode was that ?

I do not want something that will add large amount of different resources to work with. I already have 6 on top of the vanilla ones and having more will make it way too much.

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Hmm, so far nothing to sway me 1 way or the other. I have also seen ART.

I am really lost now.

I need something as simple as this :

Mine {material}

use {material} in extractor A, B, C, D or ...

output : Liquid fuel, Mono, something else, etc ...

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  Mapoko said:
Hmm, so far nothing to sway me 1 way or the other. I have also seen ART.

I am really lost now.

I need something as simple as this :

Mine {material}

use {material} in extractor A, B, C, D or ...

output : Liquid fuel, Mono, something else, etc ...

That sounds like Kethane to me. Except the use {material} in extractor A B C D. It simply mines and shoves it into a kethane tank which then can be converted by whatever converter is attached to it. It follows fuel-flow logic.


- Simple scanners - Enables you to scan for Kethane easily

- Drills of various sizes - Does what you think it does. Can be assigned to action groups

- Kethane tanks of various sizes - I usually only use the small one, as i convert it into what i need right away

- Converters of various sizes - Converts from Kethane to monoprop, oxidizer, and liquidfuel, depending on what you turn on/off there and then. Can be assigned to action groups

In addition there are some other "tools":

- Kethoelectric generator.

- I believe there's are a couple of Kethane drives as well

- Kerbal recycler. And yes, it does what it sounds like.

I made a miner+refuel barge around this mod. 7 orange tanks (1 center, and 6-way symetry), ....loads of landing grear, and a monoprop tank on top of the outside orange tanks. Under the center tank i had the converter and drill and all that, and the others had LV-Ns underneath. On the sides I had solar panels and 6 of those stock radially attached engines to help takeoff from minimus. It was damn impressive to see this monster take off and head for refuel-missions. This project was what prompted me to install TAC Fuel Balancer, to allow me to ensure even weight distribution.


However, I believe I remember hearing from the devs that the 1.0 resource system would "Not be unlike Karbonite", so you might want to go for that for the purpose of familiarization. Personally I don't use any resource mod anymore, so I'm holding off to see whatever 1.0 gives me.

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I'm a bit partial to Karbonite for obvious reasons ;)

Plus it's up to date. And as noted, is probably closer to what you will see in the 1.0 resource system, given I'm the author of both.

And yes, it can do the whole drill for one resource, convert it into useful stuff thing.

Oh... and it processes in the background. Kethane does not.

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Thank you very much !

I guess for now I will focus on the other parts of my plan. But when I decide to play a bit with extractors I will try Karbonite, since it will be similar in 1.0. Also the background processing won me over.

But yes, Oil separates into Gas, Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel, so the idea of drilling for 1 resource, then chose what do you want to extract from it or you distill it into different % of each is the logical way to go for me.

Next week I will not have access to strong internet connection, so 80% of my gaming time will be in KSP. Hope I will find new ways to enjoy the game !

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