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Free beer while stocks last!

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I've added a new bonus guys, this one should make it easier on our graphics cards :)

Turns out that Bill and Bob found a way to drain jet fuel out of a Mk1 LF tank and refill it with ice cold beer and still be able to use the kryo-storage system in the tank to keep the beverage fresh even during re-entry.

Gene was suitably impressed and ordered an even bigger shipment, but because he was drunk forgot to change the delivery address. So now there's a huge heap of Mk1 LF tanks on the runway. You guys know what to do.

Check the first post in this thread for details.

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Juzeris' second attempt was deemed to be in breach of the rules and justly disqualified, however the reasons stated for breaking the rules are deemed by this committee to be honourable and fully in the best interests of Kerbalkind. The end almost justifies the means. But not quite. :)


Also it was probably a simulation, the roof couldn't handle that level of beer spillage. Apparently I was wrong about small parts not being able to break the VAB.

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I've added a new bonus guys, this one should make it easier on our graphics cards :)

Turns out that Bill and Bob found a way to drain jet fuel out of a Mk1 LF tank and refill it with ice cold beer and still be able to use the kryo-storage system in the tank to keep the beverage fresh even during re-entry.

Gene was suitably impressed and ordered an even bigger shipment, but because he was drunk forgot to change the delivery address. So now there's a huge heap of Mk1 LF tanks on the runway. You guys know what to do.

Check the first post in this thread for details.


Now THIS is something that I can do. My HD5870 card was just crying a bit too hard to make something capable of satiating these Kerbals' thirst for Kethanol out of the QBEs alone.

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(You have no clue how long it took to get a fully successful run)

Introducing the Fire Shipyards contribution to the lineup of beer transport platforms: the "K is for Beer!"

Powered by way more engines than absolutely necessary (The engineers took a short break from their experiments of igniting the leftover kethanol fumes from consumed beer, to tell us it uses exactly 37 engines), this beautiful piece of drunken engineering will get you enough beer for a large party, without angering the mythical overseer known as Unity too much. Sadly, its rapid fuel consumption DOES anger the kerbal tea drinking hippies at the Karbon Kredits Ko-op, and requires combustion of some of the delicious intoxicating elixir....

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80 QBE cores x 2 points each = 160 points

36 Mk1 LF tanks (9 stacks of 4) x 20 points each = 720 points

8 tanks partially emptied x 20 points deducted = 160 points

Total = 720 points

Edited by fire219
forgot how to math for a moment
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  • 2 weeks later...

While refueling the Kegerator, someone remembered the Gosling Skycrane gathering dust in a storage hangar and realized they’d finally found a use for it. They christened it "Stork" and sent it to deliver a bundle of joy.


13x3 QBEs (not counting the QBE used to control the skycrane) = 78 points

23 full Mk1 LF fuselage = 460 points

Totel = 538 points

Edited by Torquimedes
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