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Mun Station Zebra!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well of course with all good things, minor tweaks turn into full fledged re-engineering....:)

So with the help and credit to, many of the real parts-packs engineers, I give you F.R.O.G.G.E.R.... the 'Far-point Reconnaissance Orbital Gimballed-Gantry Exploration Rig'

It flies, it lands, it hovers, it drives..... put it on a big enough rocket and the solar system is open!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Went ahead and spent the $15 on the retail version, well worth it, first landing on the ice :)

Still playing around with mods, and I have to add may the Internet gods bless MechJeb!!...It got me off the orital-mechanics short bus...o7

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  • 1 month later...

sorry I missed this note, when I went to 15, some of the pieces didnt work right, probably do to my poor texture hacking, I am rebuilding it, most of it can be accomplised with the EAGLE mod pack, small increases in strenght of legs, a bit more power to the thrusters.

I am rebuilding a new version

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Cool stuff you have here, but I have a few questions., but the first is mostly an assumption.

For the FROGGER craft, I\'m assuming you just built the module on top of the command pod and when you detached, the command pod became its front?

And for the Zebra Station, which part mods are you using? Are those rockets just retextured rockets from the Suyez pack? I also like the command module you used for both; I\'m looking for something a bit more 'egg-shaped'.

Thanks in advance, and cool stuff.

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'For the FROGGER craft, I\'m assuming you just built the module on top of the command pod and when you detached, the command pod became its front?' --- YES

'And for the Zebra Station, which part mods are you using? Are those rockets just retextured rockets from the Suyez pack?' ---- YES, I found a camo pattern that I liked, used it as a general overlay on top of the stock .PNG file, I think this is where I caused my self my own problems when I moved to 15, but that is just a guess.

'I also like the command module you used for both; I\'m looking for something a bit more 'egg-shaped'. ----Thanks, again from another mod pack, just repainted , added a little nose art circa 1940\'s, added some 'armor' by slighlty toughing it up through the .cfg file parameters.

I think I got the pod and its parachute working again, once I test it when I get home this week, I will zip it up and put it here in this thread

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hmmm...submarines...I wonder if it could do that in the ocean off the launch pad.... ::)

I attached a zip file with two parts

1. pod

2. parachute


1. it is a zip file, please extract it to a temporary folder, I am not an expert with winzip

2. they are just parts folder, no plugins, etc

3. they are retextured from REAL parts builder, I tried to clearly recognize that in the description, if there is a standard way to acknowledge original authers, if someone could point me to that thread or instruction I will respect that.

Hope it is worth your time to use :thumbup:

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KNN (Kerbal News Network) – FLASH: In a stunning demonstration of total disregard to Environmental Law and International Treaties, Orbital Anvil Technologies (OAT ; up 18% in early morning trading) launched its proto-type nukular rocket and landed it at its Mun base nicknamed Mun Station Zebra.

Sometime in the dead of night the vehicle was launched unannounced and not appearing on any launch schedules. Several international monitoring stations picked up the radioactive plume from the new engine and activated automated alert messages.

Only afterward, in what was obviously a pre-planned, short-notice press conference did OAT spokeswoman Marge Sweetwater, Lead Designer for the reactor’s shielding address the large, hastily gathered crowd, she ended the meeting answering gently, putting people at ease regarding the reactor being safe and properly protected; “It will be all right, we put that sh_t on everything….â€

Have a good week, heading out for a road trip for work, so I thought I would leave with a laugh.

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