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[WIP][1.8.x] KabinKraziness (v0.4.7) 9th Feb 2020


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Kabin Kraziness




A modifier attached to crew-able parts. The KabinKraziness goes up over time based on how much space the crew have, how far from Kerbin you are and if your Cabin temperature is within 5 degrees of the climate control setting. This Mod is an ADD-ON to AmpYear and does not function without it.

There are two levels of Kraziness Alert - Minor and Major (configurable via AmpYear (required) settings menu on Space center screen).

Once these levels are reached random events may occur where the crew may:-

  • Disable Autopilot functions for a period of time (cumulative).
  • Throw out (dump) some resources.
  • Throw out (dump) some science results.
  • A crew member may decide to randomly go on a space walk... (EVA).

Luxury Fitted Command Pods

Yes all command pods now come with Klimate Kontrol, Jazz music and Massage chairs.

These items reduce KabinKraziness, consume electricity and makes missions more pleasant for the crew.

The Klimate Kontrol function maintains the cabin temperature to a pre-set value, and the cabin temp can be viewed through the command pod right click menu.

If turned off Cabin Temperature will slowly change towards the outside ambient temperature having a negative effect on KabinKraziness of the Cabin Temperature is +/- 5 degrees from the Klimate Kontrol Pre-set Temperature.

The Klimate Kontrol, Jazz Music Radio and Massage Chairs reduce KabinKraziness over time at the cost of electric charge.

KabinKraziness will Hibernate at high time warp settings (can't be avoided due to issues with electric charge in KSP at high rates of warp).



  Re-compile for KSP 1.8.1
  Re-compile for KSP 1.5.x
    Re-Compile for KSP 1.3.0
    Localization ready.
    Re-Compile for KSP 1.2.2
V0.4.3 Re-Compile for KSP 1.2.1
V0.4.2 Re-Compile for KSP 1.2
V0.4.1  Re-Compile for KSP 1.1.3
Moved config.cfg file to \Plugins\PluginData to avoid Module Manager cache reset.
Removed Foreach loops in FixedUpdate (reduce Garbage Collection).
V0.4.0 RE-factored code to remove need for KKInterfaces.dll and AYInterfaces.dll. Now uses Reflection to communicate between KabinKraziness and AmpYear.  
V0.3.2 Support for KSP 1.0.5
V0.3.1 Support for KSP 1.0.3
V0.3 Converted Kevin to Celsius in the temperature displays for command pods. Added KSP-AVC support.
V0.2 Recompile for KSP V1.0.0
V0.1a Fixed dependency with AmpYear. Moved AmpYear and KabinKraziness to shared folder in /gamedata/REPOSoftTech.
V0.1 Removed KabinKraziness from AmpYear and made it separate option implementation (hence this OP).

Ideas for future changes to this mod:
  • Transfer of heat (conduction) from adjacent parts to the crewable parts affecting the Kabin Temperature.
  • Expand the cramped calculations, as they are primitive (number of crew spaces / number of crew) and perhaps integrate to CLS?

Potential integration to a sanity/crew feelings mod? perhaps... if one comes along.

See the Readme file for more details.


This software is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) creative commons license.

You should receive a copy of the License along with KabinKraziness. See <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode> for full details.

This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC.

If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available.

Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent.

For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin

Be a :cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.

For support please ensure you are following these instructions.
From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps.


Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use Zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods.
Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains.


Install Instructions

Install in this order.

First the Dependencies:

1. You must have Module Manager installed.

2. CRITICAL When installing over version 0.1 or earlier your MUST delete the following folders manually first. [kspdir]/gamedata/AmpYear/*.* and [kspdir]/gamedata/KabinKraziness/*.*.

Also Please ensure you have not installed previously in the wrong folder. IE: That you do not have a [kspdir]/gamedata/gamedata/AmpYear/*.* and [kspdir]/gamedata/gamedata/KabinKraziness/*.*

This would occur if you unzip into the wrong folder when you install.

3. You must have AmpYear installed before installing KabinKraziness.

4. Toolbar - OPTIONAL.

5. - Install KabinKraziness (GitHub)

Source Code here

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I've been a long time user of AmpYear and I welcome your updated version!

However there is a problem.

When I install only AmpYear (without KabinKraziness) it works fine (the button shows up, the new parts show up...)

When I try to install both AmpYear AND KabinKraziness (tried several times, tried with a different save and with only those two plugins loaded) I can see the parts, I can see the temperature if I right click on the cabin module but I cannot see the AmpYear button, nor does the GUI show up.

How can I provide a log?


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I've been a long time user of AmpYear and I welcome your updated version!

However there is a problem.

When I install only AmpYear (without KabinKraziness) it works fine (the button shows up, the new parts show up...)

When I try to install both AmpYear AND KabinKraziness (tried several times, tried with a different save and with only those two plugins loaded) I can see the parts, I can see the temperature if I right click on the cabin module but I cannot see the AmpYear button, nor does the GUI show up.

How can I provide a log?


Very sorry... my humble apologies... surprised it took almost a day for someone to raise this. First release of stand-alone KabinKraziness was incorrectly linked/compiled to the wrong version of AmpYear.

If you completely delete AmpYear and KabinKraziness and re-install BOTH then all should be fixed. Follow the install instructions in the OP.

Again, sorry. I've now moved AmpYear and KabinKraziness into a shared folder within KSP gamedata folder and fixed all my compile processes, etc. So hopefully won't happen again.

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Very sorry... my humble apologies...

Don't worry, I like your work!! :);)

By the way, I think that the default (1) consumption for the air conditioner/heater assembly is too low. The old value of 10 was better in my opinion, it is a nice challenge if you build large ships and finally makes the large ISS-style solar panels useful.

Anyway I set it back to 10, thanks again for making it tweakable (I also raised the temperature to 22°C to be more realistic)!

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Don't worry, I like your work!! :);)

By the way, I think that the default (1) consumption for the air conditioner/heater assembly is too low. The old value of 10 was better in my opinion, it is a nice challenge if you build large ships and finally makes the large ISS-style solar panels useful.

Anyway I set it back to 10, thanks again for making it tweakable (I also raised the temperature to 22°C to be more realistic)!

Thanks. Yeah probably might have messed up some of the settings while I was testing. But you can change pretty much all of them via the settings menu which allows you to set your own difficulty. IE: Use more power, reduce Kraziness less... etc. Which reminds me probably should put something in the readme explaining the different settings.

- - - Updated - - -

Always wanted climate control for ksp thanks will try.

EDIT- You going to add any heat radiator ? ZZZ has alot of parts you can use http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43840-Hab-Hub-%28and-other-strange-things%29

Thanks. Hmm.. what would the heat radiator due? yes I know - radiate heat .. but now sure I am following how this would interact with this mod itself.

Are you suggesting radiating heat instead of using the KlimateKontrol? I find the KlimateKontrol usually is all about raising the temperature.. rather than lowering it.. because space is soooo cold. But I have been looking for a while for something that can radiate heat from other parts into the cabin, which could bring this into play. Let's see where that goes first.

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Well isn't the side facing the light around 120+ c and the dark around a -150 c here is a page http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast21mar_1/ might be more then the plugin can do or ksp.

Yep... Of course I was referring to the game... and what is in the game. but haven't noticed KSP modelling the sun's radiant heat... or solar wind... hmmm... now there's an idea.....

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It don't from what, I see but would DR or realheal help for that in some want or maybe you can brain storm a plugin for it :) well know, I think about don't think they take that the light side as being hotter then the dark side could you tie into like suncatcher or the suntracker to + heat or - heat ? or if you have used planetshine not sure how it tells what side to shadowed and brighten but that would really be nice. :)

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It don't from what, I see but would DR or realheal help for that in some want or maybe you can brain storm a plugin for it :) well know, I think about don't think they take that the light side as being hotter then the dark side could you tie into like suncatcher or the suntracker to + heat or - heat ? or if you have used planetshine not sure how it tells what side to shadowed and brighten but that would really be nice. :)

Real heat and DRE only simulate heat in an atmosphere, I've been looking for a while. yes you could do this but I think it's a separate mod to this one and should be done properly. And finding the time to do this is my issue. I probably already spend too much time on KSP as it is. I have a real job and a family life to consider. I'll think on it if I can come up with something simple for this mod.

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copied across from my AmpYear Post, as it's a KabinKraziness related post.

It's not necessaily a mod, but these guys were talking about a sort of sanity mod here. It looks abandoned, but I wanted to talk to the OP and try to continue the mod myself utilizing this dude's calculations. :)

This is pretty much what KabinKraziness is now doing... but, more complicated that current version of KabinKraziness. And I developed it without even knowing about this thread.

Basically KabinKraziness increases based on :-

Space available to Kerbals (number of seats) / Actual Kerbals on-board - the more Kramped they are the greater the Kraziness Factor

Distance from Kerbin - the further you are away the greater the Kraziness Factor.

The Kabin Temperature - if the temperature is more than 5degrees <> the set KlimateKontrol temperature than an additional factor is added on to the KabinKraziness.

KabinKraziness is reduced based on:-

Use of the Luxury Items within the cabin (IE currently: Radio, Massage chairs, KlimateKontrol). where each of these reduces the KabinKraziness factor by a set number. KlimateKontrol doesn't REDUCE it, but it does reduce the negative effect of being outside the +/- 5 degrees range to ZERO if you have the KlimateKontrol and the temperature is within this range.

The key difference I have currently:-

KabinKraziness is Applied to the Crewable PART rather than the Kerbals themselves and is expressed as a percentage (iE: It's an atmosphere within the part/cabin rather than attached to the Kerbals themselves).

KabinKraziness accumulates onto the crewable PARTS based on the above factors over time.

KabinKraziness does not accumulate within Kerbin's atmosphere.

When the KabinKraziness reaches the initial warning amount then the probability of the Kerbal's doing something occurs whilst above this warning amount.

This increases again when you reach the Critical warning amount of KabinKraziness.

What do they do:-

Well currently they may dump resources, dump science results, disable the autopilot, one of them might just go on EVA... which is all a bit silly.

But then KabinKraziness is meant to be silly.

So Where to from here? I'm open to suggestions.. there are a NUMBER of threads including this one just brought to light by sc0rch all looking at this kind of dynamic on Kerbal kraziness, Kerbal sanity, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to support KSP 1.0. You need to re-install both AmpYear and KabinKraziness as per the OP.

EDIT: works in 1.0 but needs some work, such as temps changed in 1.0 to use Kelvin, so the cabin temps are not in sync (Klimatekontrol is in Celsius, external temp is in kelvin). Need to look at taking advantage of all the new heating / radiated heat and using this in this mod. Will look at fixing this up in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

Edited by JPLRepo
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  • 2 weeks later...

*eagerly awaits* :)

maybe also add an optional resource, like a food, run out (or whatever grows it brings in too low) and they go krazy

another bit would be only if realtech is installed, out of comm link to KSC too long

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Updated to v0.3 which fixes the Kelvin temperatures to use correct Celsius conversion in the command pod right click menus.

Added KSP-AVC support...

Things to to, but short on time at the moment:

Want to add the new KSP 1.0.X heat system affecting the cabin temps.

Other ideas such as Remote Tech / comms checks, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

This mod is great just downloaded it and makes the game just that much more difficult which i enjoy. I play with the alcor command pod and it has a panel that shows very nearly all the info this mod messes with. Would it be possible to add controls to IVA in command pods? auto temp control, pressure, humidity, massage chairs, and of course a radio or music player of sorts.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
On 22/01/2016 at 3:16 PM, Cdr_Zeta said:


Chekin this out ...we have a new modder in town !

Commander Zeta

Enjoy... actually been modding KSP for nearly a year already.. :cool:

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  • 1 month later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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