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Greetings to All!


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It seems I've failed to properly introduce myself in this forum. Here goes:

My name is Felipe Falanghe, a.k.a. 'HarvesteR', and I'm the lead developer for the Kerbal Space Program.

I'm 26 years old, born in Brazil, now living in Mexico City, and still a little dazed that I get to put this project into practice, which has been a pet project of mine since who knows how long.

Anyhow, Hi! :)


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This is a really beautiful, addicting and entertaining game you created HarvesteR! Thank you so much!

After reading through the list with planned features I'm really looking forward to future updates. May Jebediah smile on you!

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i thought i'd maybe introduce myself properly as well...

for those who do not yet know, i'm HarvesteR's twin brother, Guilherme 'Moach' Falanghe - who still lives in Brazil... (which one is the 'evil' twin has yet to be determined) ;D

may i also add, the idea for this game was something we thought up together, tho he decided to put it to practice while i busied myself otherwise - anyways, we're both game programmers, (graduated same college... same class, actually) working at different things at the moment

ah well, Hi everyone! :cheers:

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for those who do not yet know, i'm HarvesteR's twin brother, Guilherme 'Moach' Falanghe - who still lives in Brazil... (which one is the 'evil' twin has yet to be determined)

Remember this handy guide!


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Sweet, I hope you keep bouncing ideas off each other! There isn't a third brother by any chance, maybe a Thrillmaster...? ;)

nah... - there's a sister tho ::) - but she isn't much into rockets or things that go 'boom' in general ;D

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