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How to get the correct speeds for orbital resuce

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I'm currently doing the contract to rescue a Kerbal from orbit. I have a ship that can get into orbit and I've been able to get it so that the intersects match up, but the speeds of the ship and Kerbal always end up so different that even when I get close enough they just fly by each other and there's no chance for the Kerbal to board. How can I make it so that the speeds are not that different and the Kerbal can enter the empty pod on the ship? I've watched a few videos on how to do this but, they didn't seem to mention this problem.

Edited by RSF_JR
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I'm sure they have, you're just missing a step.

When you get your close approach lined up and less than 2.5km (<1km is preferred, but not required) change your velocity indication to target (Click where it says orbit and it should change) At this point point relative velocity retrograde and warp to close approach. when you get to your close approach burn retrograde until your relative velocity is close to zero. At this point turn towards your target and make a small burn to start going in that direction. RCS really helps here.

This video may be a little dated, but the info is still good.

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When I first started, I had the same problem. When you want to approach the target you burn toward the targets position (pink O marker). When you want to slow down, you burn at the relative retrograde (yellow/green X marker). Do NOT burn directly away from the target (pink X marker), you want to change your speed toward the target relative to it's orbit, you do not want to change your speed directly away from the target. Make sure your NavBall is in TARGET mode, not ORBIT mode.

As you get more skill, you will eventually be trying to get that retrograde marker on top of the pink X marker (or inversely the prograde on the pink O marker, can't have one without the other). That means you are heading straight for it and only need to slow down. However, heading straight at your target is not necessary right now, you just need to get close enough, bring your relative speed to 0m/s and then use your RCS to dock.

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It sounds like your approach velocity is too high. If you follow the steps laid out by Alshain, while in map view, you will see your point of closest intercept (marked with the arrows) move further away. Just try to keep them from getting too close or too far. No more than a quarter orbit and no less than a couple minutes. Also, bear in mind that burning "pulls" the prograde marker in the direction you're pointing and "pushes" the retrograde marker away from the direction your pointing. By burning while pointing toward your retrograde relative velocity (to target) marker, you're decreasing relative speed. If you "push" the retrograde marker so that it lines up with target position retrograde marker (pink with three prongs) and continually adjust this, you are ensuring that you will approach at close distance. This is the advanced skill Alshain mentions, it takes a bit of practice... but if you master it, encounters (and landing) will be much easier. Try to think of this as being like landing... you slow down *before* you hit the ground.

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