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The alternate Timeline Game!


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The Titanic successfully avoids the iceberg that it would've hit 103 years ago (I'm serious, I'm posting this on April 15, 2015) And makes it to New York.

Pros: 1500 people were spared from death.

Cons: The law that all ships must carry enough lifeboats for all of its passenger and crew isn't established, the RMS Titanic was scrapped, and the movie "Titanic" was never made.

EDIT: I forgot to rate! 8/10 pretty clever, but could be more specific with Pros and Cons.

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50/100 indifferent

soviet union gets to Moon first. America arrives shortly after. Space Race continues to Mars, but both countries make it there as well, so space race continues to Saturn, etc

Pros: Further expansion into the cosmos, probably no shuttle

Cons: Only "flag planting" missions, no legit colonies

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1/1 we only had flag planting missions anyway.

dinosaurs gain sentience=they hide in a bunker= they emerge in 1931 and eat Hitler=dinosaurs have evolved into small bipedal lizards that are 7.5 foot tall=dinosaur tech is advanced=in 1945 the first warp drive is made=by 1969 the moon has an atmosphere=terraforming of mars begins in 1991=in 2001 first contact is made with aliens, and the entire solar system is colonised and in the process of terrraformation.

pros= Hitler died in 1931, dinosaurs, space travel, and anything else that is cool I missed.

cons: no space Sims. but would we really need them?

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7/10 Well, creative.. but rather unrealistic..

Apollo 13 never makes it back to Earth.

Pros: NASA is more prepared for possibilites, and thus, the Challenger and Columbia mission failures never happen catastrophically.

Cons: The Apollo crew dies. Apollo 14-17 never happen, thus lowering our knowledge about the Moon.

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2/10 That would be a sad ending to the Apollo program

America stay neutral with Germany during WW2 - Japan is defeated earlier as America can focus on it more - Germany takes all of Europe and the USSR - Cold war happens with Germany instead of the USSR - Germany collapses into several democratic nations

- All of Asia becomes pro-American puppet states - The Korean war, the Vietnam war and several others don't exist

Pros: Less wars in the asia-pacific region, China never turns to communism, America still lands on the moon racing Germany

Cons: no recognizable European countries exist anymore, Possibility of nuclear exchange between the two superpowers

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7/10 Pretty clever.

The 1977 Airport Runway Collision never happenes.

Pros: Both planes get to their destinations. 580+ People live.

Cons: Not all airports have radar as it's not a law, heightening the risk of aircraft collisions, especially in fog.

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  • 2 weeks later...


When another aircraft collision inevitably happens it will most likely kill less people

China never becomes communist - the cold war is very one-sided and therefore ends earlier - China never becomes anti-American

Pros: China is a democracy, Taiwan is united with China, America has another large key ally, Without china's support, North Korea collapses and the peninsula is unified

Cons: Since NK collapsed in the 20th century, the interview is never made. other than that, nothing I can think of

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1/100 Don't like that.

Classic Rock and Grunge and Metal are still popular; Pop never happens; The subliminal messages to act like the stereotypes never get to the teens; They become much more mature.

Pros: Good Music! Mature Teens!

Cons: NONE

But im mature...

- - - Updated - - -


Cons: Since NK collapsed in the 20th century, the interview is never made. other than that, nothing I can think of

One con-my friends dad doesnt write a book about a kid in north korea and does't win the pulitizer prize.

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5/10 Nothing major changes.

Some millions of years ago humans obtained a hive type intelligence.

Pros: no passions, no greed, no envy, no wars, faster progress.

Cons: no individuality perhaps, but depending from the point of view it will be a single unified individuality...

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6/10 A much better world.

Snuggies were invented in the 1930s in Germany, in which it led to the German occupation of the USSR and with Japan occupying Siberia.

Pros: More people in Britain and North America protect themselves against a Telletubbie military invasion.

Cons: More killing. And so much propaganda is produced that zombies start appearing.

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1/100 I am fiercely individual!

Apollo 1 fire never occured -> Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffee, Ed White all survive to further the Apollo program -> Gus Grissom becomes 1st man on the moon -> Continues to survive into old age

Pros: Gus Grissom gets to be the most experienced astronaut ever!

Cons: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Mike Collins fade into obscurity after participating in less-famous missions.

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8/10 At least they all survive.

France successfully defended New France from the English. Canada becomes a French dominion and is now independent with Quebec city being the capital. French will be the dominate language and English being Canada's second language. Canada's culture would be French, but still dominated by American culture. British Colombia has an anglophone majority and wants to be independent.

Pros: Interesting culture.

Cons: French bakeries are now pressuring Dutch bakeries to go out of business. Never forget the Dutch bakery of Moose Jaw.

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  • 4 months later...


I like normal culture better.

Nuclear war in 2026 = Earth devastated, 86% of world population wiped out = Mankind flees to underground fallout shelters = 100 years later, they emerge too early and become irradiated mutants = They go insane and kill eatchother over differences = Factions and settlements = Politics = War = Perpetual war

Pro's: None

Con's: Earth is a living nightmare, everyone you know dies, suffering & pain everywhere you look, no hope at all ever.

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I don't want to turn green.

Fresh water found on Mars = colonies = no way to create a magnetic field = solar wind = half of mankind is killed

Pros: it's freak'n MARS!!!!

Cons: You're dead.

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25: You would be safe as long as nobody invented the Death Star.

Cats are never domesticated = Big cats are the only felines = A race of sentient cats evolve = They succeed in taking over the human race

Cons: Evil cat overlords.

Pros: Cute cat overlords.

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100/100: humans would become domesticated, and therefore we would never have to go to school or work or do anything except make the occasional happy sound, sleep in sunny patches and flip out over loose bits of string.

Moon is actually made of cheese = less lunar mass = less tidal influence on oceans = less erosion and flooding of wetlands = no need for dikes and windmills = no Netherlands = a real need to import lunar cheese.

Cons: cost of cheese is astronomical

Pros: viable economic reasons for regular trips to the moon

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100/100: humans would become domesticated, and therefore we would never have to go to school or work or do anything except make the occasional happy sound, sleep in sunny patches and flip out over loose bits of string.

Moon is actually made of cheese = less lunar mass = less tidal influence on oceans = less erosion and flooding of wetlands = no need for dikes and windmills = no Netherlands = a real need to import lunar cheese.

Cons: cost of cheese is astronomical

Pros: viable economic reasons for regular trips to the moon

That pun though. XD

WWI never happens. Tanks, depth charges, aircraft carriers, penicillin, never invented. Geneva Conventions never happen, so no prohibition of gas enacted. No WWII, so no space, or if there is any, then it's way behind what we have now. No good computers. Racism is still strong since no need to send them off to war. Women's Rights never really happen since the men never go off to war and leave the women to run the factories. Global warming is a lot worse since no atom bomb=no nuclear power, which takes away about 30% of our carbon footprint. No UN to succeed the League of Nations, which, if it continues to exist, remains just as cruddy as before. Also, no UN=no UNSC=No spartans...:( America isn't a super power. Maybe a possible war between US and USSR, but not sure.

Pros: Several Million lives saved, so at least we've got that going for us.

Cons: Everything above the Pros.

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50/100 #Neverforget117

Humans evolve into Kerbals, Kerbals become ultimate wpacefaring race. They also re-create ourselves and put us in Kerbal bodies, and do not have values for money and everyone volunteers optionaly. Also they don't need food or anything. They create infinite materials and conquer the galaxy.

Pros: Kerbals, infinite stuff, free stuff, no work

Cons: Communism-ish stuff, not all humans live, only some.

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21/9001 Nah.

The US never adopts an oil-based currency

- Iraq is never invaded

- The US doesn't start the war in Syria or accuse Iran of developing nukes

- Saudi Arabia's human rights violations are addressed properly

Pros: Less wars, the middle east is much more balanced and stable, more human rights

Cons: ... ... ... ... ... Let me think ... ... ... ... Ummm ... ... ... ... ...

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Moon is much bigger, the more mass causes instability in its orbit, it comes inside its Roche Limit, it breaks up, the debris becomes rings.

Oh, and the moon Landings didn't happen...


Cons: We will be dead because the debris deorbited and some of those pieces are as big as Australia.

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