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Big space station = lag. Solution available ?


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Right. But a lot of people (including me, from time to time) want to build a big ISS-ish space station just because. Because it's a game, so why the hell not? And it would be really nice if that didn't cause the game to lag up so badly.

But my point was that if you do want to build a space station like that, then the advice "don't add so many parts" really just boils down to "don't build a space station like that". So it's kind of useless advice. And sad advice, too, because it reflects a sad situation.

Well if you are just doing it for looks do you really need it to be lag free? Its simple if you want it to be functional and practical then build it with a practical mindset and as a result keep it simple like Salyut, Skylab, and Tiangong. If you want to build just for fun and looks then don't sweat it just do it so you can say you did and take some screen caps before the kraken eats it.

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You can also use Kerbal Inventory System mod to remove parts that are not necessary for the station anymore (struts and such too).

Thrusters. Dear deities, the thrusters for station modules tend to make up about 1/3 of the part count by themselves (at least in my engineering) and they're completely useless once docked. Unbolt them and fling them away.

Something cool I did on a station I had about a year ago I had a special RCS module that I used to place all the modules. The modules would rendezvous with the ship. The upper stage would decouple and deorbit. The RCS tug would dock with the module and place it on the right docking node of the station. That way I had no need for RCS modules on each module.

Hey, an RCS docking tug is a good idea. I'm gonna try this sometime.

Edited by Coyote27
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