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Was this a test upload for 4k resolution?

If so... I don't think it worked. Your framerate is visibly stuttering (getting what, maybe 12fps there?)

Some of the shots looked gorgeous, but as a video it's just dull - nothing going on but watching a satellite orbit from different angles. Nothing terribly dynamic going on with the camera work either.

Music's alright, but it doesn't "sell" the video to any real degree, it's just background music.


-Downscale. 4k is pretty, but barely a handful of your potential viewers are going to have that capability. I was watching in 480, personally, and my monitor only hits 1080p max - but my internet would choke and die before allowing that level of streaming from Youtube anyway.

-Mind your framerates. For LP's and how-to videos, you can get away with a choppy framerate, but for cinematics, it's essential for things to flow smoothly.

-Consider the purpose of your video, and plan your shots accordingly. There was no theme or emphasis going on at all here that I could see, which made the whole thing feel rather pointless. Pretty, but without meaning.

Hope you find some of that helpful, and good luck with your next vid! mustache.gif

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