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Will increased "memory bubble" affect asteroids impacting Kerbin?


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I think that I've seen recently that Squad announced that 1.0 will have an increased "memory bubble" (I think that's the term someone used for it). They said that would increase the area of space loaded into active memory and that it means space debris could de-orbit and crash into Kerbin. Does this also apply to potentially hazardous asteroids? That could be kind of cool, and could have some implications...like getting science from an asteroid by literally walking over to it on Kerbin.

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I think what it means, is that stuff needs to get further than 2,500 meters from the active vessels before being "unloaded" and put on rails.

All this other stuff you mention can already happen if you have the game focus on it.

If you don't have a ship anywhere nearby, I doubt it will change anything

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It's "physics bubble", the distance within which a craft stays loaded and physics apply to it.

About your concerns: Yes, that means debris from spent stages could theoretically hit your KSC buildings. If I remember right the physics bubble will be increased to about 22.5 km within the atmosphere. That is enough for debris on EARLY stages, like solid boosters, to hit the ground afterwards, but later stages that go around like half of Kerbin will still vanish like they do now.

So, about Asteroids: Unless you happen to fly an active vessel by an asteroid the moment it enters the atmosphere, and stay within 22.5 km until it hits the ground, it won't be different from what it is like now.

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that's cool about the increased physics bubble. Does that apply to the bubble when in space too? or when landed on non-atmo planets? if that's the case I might finally be able to build a bridge or at least a zip line over Dres canyon!

But!! does this mean they've really improved game performance? As it is, it's often a relief to get outside that fairly small bubble, ie when rovering away from a large base, if this is increased to 22.5km then that's a long drive before you're clear of the lag.

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic but, if you look at most games, objects in the world exist in multiple detail states and get replaced with more complex models as you get closer. I really think KSP needs a way to solidify a craft into a single object with minimal interacting physics unless either your focal craft or another object (asteroid/debris/missile etc) gets near it. I wonder how impossible it would be to implement that.

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