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The Hammerhead - A 10 Wheel Roving Base

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This is The Hammerhead.


This is a go-anywhere roving base. So far tested to destruction many, many times. Top speed of 28m/s with engines and parachutes for any landing necessary*. The chassis has limited suspension and a wheel configuration that allows the weight of the craft to be loaded onto different wheels depending on climb angle, which helps in hilly environments such as 'the area around KSP' and 'the Mun crater I meant to land next to but sort of landed in it'. It has a full science array containing every instrument avaliable in Stock and DMagic Orbital Science. Cupola module allows for maximal visibilty and an increased concern that the front is perhaps too low. Jeb says its fine.



There we have it! Thoughts? Opinions? Postulations?

*Landing on Tylo, Eeloo, Vall and Moho are not 'necessary' - attempts to do so will void warrenty

Edited by BrainiacBlue
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