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Jettisoning SRBs but keeping main liquid engine?

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I\'ve seen videos of rockets that jettison their SRBs but keep their main liquid fuel engine burning. How does that work? When I do it, if I put the SRBs on the same stage as the main LFE and hit space to jettison the SRBS I obviously decouple the main engine. How do I get rid of the solid boosters and keep the main engine? I don\'t know if I\'ve explained myself well enough or not, I\'m sorry.

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No you\'ve got it right. What you want to do is add your SRBs and main engines in the bottom stage so they fire at the same time (I\'m guessing you already have this set up). Then put your SRB decouplers one stage up by themselves. That way, when you hit spacebar only the SRBs will be jettisoned.

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Wow. That was stupidly simple. I guess I was thinking that if I put them all in the same stage then hit space that all control would be cut from the main engine and I wouldn\'t be able to cut power. Thank you!

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