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Could someone make me a green screen?


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Hello, Avera9eJoe here. I am a KSP YouTuber and Streamer, and for my next video I will need a green screen in numerous scenes my film, but there isn't a mod for one yet. I'm planning on basing it off of Cowboy Bebop if you are familiar with the show.

I would love it if a mod maker could wip me up a GIGANTIC green screen. I think it should be easy to do.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I could make you one. Give me a few minutes. :)

XD Thank you so much Tygoo xD - And the creator of Porkahontas himself!

The green screen is going to be shielding this thing:

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I need it to have gravity in order to land things on and raise and lower the lift, but I also need it in space.

Edit: I just crashed my game :blush:

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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