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Get youtubers to play KSP!


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If you watch Keralis you know about his most recent series, Cities Skylines, a fun game to watch, in his most recent episode (

) he asked us to suggest a game for him to play! All you have to do to get him to play it is make that comment have the most likes on the episode, then he might do a series on it even!

This would do a few things:

1) Add more "hype" to the game, encouraging more people to buy & play it.

2) spread the word, so to speak, about KSP, again, getting more people to buy & play it.

3) He always says he wants things to look "purty", so he will try to make nice looking crafts, nice looking crafts are always fun to play with right? :P

I commented (with the same alias as I have here) telling him he should play KSP, like it up and maybe he'll play it! (I commented this:

Kerbal.Space.Program.the career is fun, sandbox is hilarious, and the community is amazing, just check out the forums!The devs even support modding and encourage it!Mods are easy to install, there are tons of cool things to do, it's an amazing game.)

Happy KSPing! ~Wafle

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Come on people. Flood that like button. You'll feel like you're part of something bigger. You'll feel purpose in life again. You can tell this story to your grand children "Once, when I was young, we made something beautiful. People all over the world came together for a common cause..." etc.

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Great idea!

It's been a long time I haven't watched Keralis in a long time (not so interested by Cities Skyline), but I will check his channel and like the comment about him trying KSP.

Holy macaroni, can't wait to hear "Yo guys, it's Keralis, and welcome back to another episode of KSP! Today, we work on a derpship, huh, dropship!"

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