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BASPM-like mod; tycoon/management gameplay mod


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I thought that with time KSP would have became something like BASPM (Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager) in 3D (although in a fictional world, with humour, etc).

1.0 is almost out and it looks like that's not the case at all. So my only option is a mod.

Honestly I'm quite surprised both that Squad didn't do something like this before 1.0 and that no modder implemented this. But probably something like this, or more likely a subset of features of what I'm talking about already exists, in that case feel free to point me to those mods.

General features would be:

  • Researchers and engineers, with stats: you train them, and they will work on developing parts, work on technologies, etc.
  • Parts reliability: the more engineers work on a part, the more its reliability increases; using it in a mission also increases it.
  • Failures: there is Dang It!, but it's random. Failures will be determined by parts reliability. This is a perfect example where this big mod can be split: we already have Dang It!, so no need to reinvent the wheel, just create a mod for the part reliability and update Dang It! to work together with it.
  • Space programs opening and management: instead of building rocket X and flying mission Y and then forgetting about that rocket or deleting it, you decide to open a specific space program and to invest resources/money to it. If you then don't do the planned missions, you'll loose reputation and money.
  • Pending goals: If you don't meet certain goals within a few years, you loose the game or loose reputation. Obvious example: the president wants you to go to the Mun in year X.
  • Other things inspired by BASPM, e.g. space race to the Mun against an AI.

Things like upgrading buildings and funds are already there in KSP and can be adjusted to work with the mod.

Somewhat similar/related topics:

Not just flight crew managment but engineering staff too

It's not about resources, it's about goals

Ideas on career mode

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