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Display the "parent" part from the save file ingame (Can't undock bug)


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As i'm one of those "luky" ones who suffers from the "can't undock bug". It would be great to see wich port is the parent one to each other etc. For this it is reqired, to know the right parent to set it in the save file so the ports can undock. However, this depends on the build order of your ship wich is not really guessable after you put two pre made ships together to one big one....

As space stations are made up of different subasseblies it is not clear waht parent number one docking port has.

This sould be a real simple request, all what is needed is as ingame filed who displays the correct parent vars for two docking ports. So we can see (maybe higlight?) what parent number is the right one for the two docking ports.

If somene is interested, please read: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78863-FIX-Dock-Undocking-Bug-in-0-23-5



Edited by ManuxKerb
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