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Squadcast Summary for 2015-04-18 - Picture Perfect Edition!


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  Bill Phil said:
Hmm? Fuel....Cells?

Yup, MaxMaps showed a screenshot of the 1.0 VAB, and people asked about what parts were shown. Resource processing (ore to any fuel) and fuel cells were a few of the new parts.

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  n.b.z. said:
As far as I understood Maxmaps, these are not cargo bays, but equipment bays. Meant for a lot of the small stuff that was previously radially attached (batteries, science instruments, etc.) but can now be placed in these things so it doesn't burn up on reentry.

I have a suspicion that they were inspired by the Universial Storage mod.

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Hello everyone and here's the Squadcast Summary for this week!

Sorry for spelling mistakes, I'm a terrible transcriber. I try and clarify what is an actual quote from Max (if it's wrapped in "quotation marks", it's the best transcript of an official Squad member you'll find on the web), and what is a summary from myself as I'm aware I switch between the two with 0 notice. When I say 'Squad', I mean 'the relevant people who are currently developing the game'.

As always, this is just a transcript of an off the cuff vlog of a non-native english speaker - some details may change or be entirely incorrect.

HearthstoneSquadcast Summary for 2015-04-18 - Watch it here!

Let's just un-mute and hello and welcome!

So about the failure state for a 1.0 career mode - if you run low on funds, you are offered a solution like a loan - massive hit in rep for some funds. It's not something you can do more than once or twice though - "in general, a couple times will mean you'll be b-b-b-b-b-boned" (I'm guessing the rep hit is massive).

Something about a countdown.. I personally am very confused by.. hey, 10 new 1.0 pictures!

Contract system is changed - pre-determined initial contracts will no longer be dependent on the previous one being completed - once you've launched your first vessel, the game will auto-payout (no need to even accept) contracts such as Reach Xm or Escape The Atmosphere as soon as you yourself reach that. Reach space on your first launch? Have all the rewards for the Reach Xm and ETA as well.

Thumbnails for saved crafts in the editors are a thing.

New delta-v maps will obviously need to be made due to the new atmospheres (but these will be unpredictable.. obviously).

With a good GPU, you may see some improvements in 1.0, but really, if you're chugging, it's likely other bottlenecks like the CPU.

The Round-8 "Lifesaver" tank... Squad were astounded at the community feedback for the change - "what are people saying? Are we making a bad call? But they also think we need a bigger xenon tank.. so por que no los dos!" The ROUND-8 will stay an LFO tank (and be re-balanced)! And Squad are adding a new large xenon tank! Hooray! (stay tuned!)

Why no procedural parts? Squad feels it removes the lego feel and gameplay restraints - fuel tank this big, engine this bug, boom done, Squad like to see the solutions people come up with fixed sizes of things.

New aerodynamics is fully configurable - adding a cfg that can be edited as you, as a player, desire. Too hard or easy? Change it!

Loading times - much improved. Like seriously. If a completely stock 0.90 game will load in 40 seconds or so, 1.0 loads in 12s. DDS and optimisations ftw.

Picture time! :D (thanks to /u/Iamsodarncool and /u/Roverdude_KSP for the pics)

New large xenon tank! And in action!



Mk3 wing parts - elevons, shuttle tail, intake, wet wings!



Craft thumbnails!


Utility bays! Protect anything in them from heat and aero forces, fairing transparency!


Ablative heatshields - don't use them more than once!


Resource collection! Limited but massive amounts of Ore on a 'roid- Class E will last you quite a while (Ore can be converted to whatever propellant you want). Surface drills arrest your motion as well (no mention of any limit).



Here's what they look like in the part list!


Fairing separation!


Keep following the countdown, goodnight!

P.S. reminder to go rep your favourite modder or forum user as well :)

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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No offence to the other thread, but this is the superior thread. I hope this doesnt get merged into page 4 of that thread :(

Im concerned about those fairings still.... I was hoping for 2 clamshells. wonder what happens when the fairing is made up of more points and is rounder....

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  Yukon0009 said:
Yees! Heatsheilds!

But shouldn't the MK1 command pod get built in heatshield, given that it has a shield-y bottom texture?

And given r4pt0r's picture, I think I'll stick with wing fairings.

I'm not convinced that we won't get tidier fairing separation. Max isn't known for being a good designer, as evidenced by his craft in the stream. I doubt Harvester would stand for such unrealistic, debris-strewn separation events, given the other more realistic things slated for 1.0.

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Everything is awesome, holy crap!

I wish Max could have stuck around a little longer to answer whether fairings HAVE TO come apart like that. It would be a but silly and unrealistic, not to mention unattractive.

Other than that, this has to be the best Squadcasts I've ever seen.

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