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The Oscar-B Awards! (Results Are Out!!)


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  qwertyx2y said:
I nominate CamTroid for Best Comedy channel, if you haven't seen the MLG KSP series you have not lived...

Oh man, is he the one that does those? I laugh so hard every time I watch them! Wish he did more, but I imagine they must take a ton of effort to do.

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I nominate "Build, Fly, Dream" by Shaun Esau for best video overall! If you haven't seen it yet, it is seriously worth a look...

This video, in my opinion, fully encapsulates the emotion of KSP. While it is all fun and games on the surface, at its core, KSP is a game about the awe of exploration, the satisfaction of a successful venture, and the emotional thrill you get when you look upon the lovingly rendered environments that constantly surround you.

"Build, Fly, Dream" does no less than fully render every bit of that experience into a couple minutes of sheer brilliance. Set to M83's "Outro", this video serves as an inspiration to every KSP challenge I have undertaken to date. The song is so well chosen, the cinematography is expert, and the premise is so carefully laid put that you can't NOT feel it's central message.

This is a video with heart that has weathered through many updates and still remained relevant for its simplicity and emotional resonance. It fully deserves the OP's recognition!

Edited by tntristan12
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  Avera9eJoe said:
...Oh and Upsilon are you going to be deciding the winners, or are you going to have a small collection of judges?

I should probably post the judging system on the OP, shouldn't I?

Because there will be a lot of varied entries in many categories, I'm going to make a series of polls that all forum-goers can participate in.

For the first poll, each person will select the three best entries in each category. After this is completed, the three entries that receive the most votes will move on to the 'Finals' round, where the best entry of the three will be chosen! These polls will likely begin a week after nominations end, to provide some chance for discussing the entries in detail and selecting the best one... and also because I would have scheduling conflicts otherwise (Curse you, Finals!).

In other words, the community will decide who receives the Oscar-B's. This also means that you can safely nominate my channel without any risk of me declaring it the winner... (hint hint) :wink:

I'm still deciding what channel to feature. There are a lot of them that haven't gotten mentioned yet, but that really should: Felsmak and Avera9eJoe for Best Underwatched Channel, Andrew Hansen for Best Inactive Channel, heretic391 or Marex333 for Best Showcase Channel... as a matter of fact, SQUAD's official channel hasn't been mentioned yet! The list goes on and on.


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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  UpsilonAerospace said:
In other words, the community will decide who receives the Oscar-B's.

I'm not saying what I'm saying, but perhaps a poll isn't the best way to do it? It's not set in stone, but It will most likely be a case of channel with the most subscribers in their category wins. Which, in many ways is fair - but in many ways isn't. Perhaps there should be some sort of judging involved? Personally I think you would make a pretty good judge Upsilon, as anyone who's read your posts on Devnote tuesdays will know: you're a critical guy and you don't fall for hype or fandom very easily.

Food for thought.

500th post :D

Edited by HatBat
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  HatBat said:
I'm not saying what I'm saying, but perhaps a poll isn't the best way to do it? It's not set in stone, but It will most likely be a case of channel with the most subscribers in their category wins. Which, in many ways is fair - but in many ways isn't. Perhaps there should be some sort of judging involved? Personally I think you would make a pretty good judge Upsilon, as anyone who's read your posts on Devnote tuesdays will know: you're a critical guy and you don't fall for hype or fandom very easily.

Food for thought.

500th post :D

I'd actually have to agree with you lol. Like the original Oscar awards, its a small list of people who together debate and decide.on the best for each channel, that way all arguments to the cause are heard. Again though just food for though. ^-^

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  HatBat said:
...Personally I think you would make a pretty good judge Upsilon, as anyone who's read your posts on Devnote tuesdays will know: you're a critical guy and you don't fall for hype or fandom very easily.

Food for thought.

  Avera9eJoe said:
I'd actually have to agree with you lol. Like the original Oscar awards, its a small list of people who together debate and decide.on the best for each channel, that way all arguments to the cause are heard. Again though just food for though. ^-^

Y'know, I'd have to say I agree with you here. I do think that the larger YouTubers will get over-represented, which would be a bit of a shame for the lesser-known but equally good YouTubers.

As much as I'd love to judge this event myself, though, I don't think that would be fair either. I've gotten to know some YouTubers on this list quite well and like them a lot already, whereas I've barely heard of others. In addition, I have my own personal preferences when it comes to videos; others may not share my opinions. Finally, I'm worried that some people may be irritated if they're not chosen as a finalist or a winner, and may take out their irritation on me (whether it's warranted or not).

I'll probably create a small judging group that can do a good job ranking YouTubers fairly. I would love for the group to be primarily comprised of YouTubers who have some experience... I'll probably write up an application form and attach it to the original post Soon. In the meantime, keep those submissions coming folks!


Oh, and this is my 1,000th post! What a neat milestone to reach.

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"Best Series" did not exist when I voted. I see someone else already put Project Gateway up there, but

is the sequel and therefore better produced and with a better story, better camera control, better sound, better narration, etc. IMO. I'd put Project Odyssey under the Best Series category.
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Alright, guys! I have some important news.


Applications for judging are now open.

If you want to judge the Oscar-B's, please answer the questions presented on the original post and PM your answers to me. Applications are only accepted until May 27, so don't delay! I'm looking forward to your applications.


In addition, I think there needs to be some sort of Oscar-B badge that you can place in your signature! I would love to see a "Nominee" badge, a "Finalist" badge, a "Winner" badge, and a "Judge" badge. They should probably all be different colors and have a picture of an Oscar-B tank on them. (Although if you have a different idea, I would love to see it!)

I'm wondering whether anyone with sufficient technical know-how would be able to do this? (I would, but I can't really design anything beyond MS Paint. :P) If anyone is interested, send me a PM! I'll try to delete some of my previous PMs so I have room for all of this...


Finally, keep those entries coming, y'all! The list already look great, but there are loads of other people who deserve some attention as well - some that I know well and some that I'd love to know more about. (Oh, and I should mention that if your nomination hasn't appeared on the leaderboard, kindly submit it again. I'm doing my best to keep track of all of these entries.)

Thanks, everyone!


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Attention all Oscar-B nominees!

Thanks to the efforts of ImJake, "Nominee" badges are now available to all nominees of the competition!

Here's what the badges look like:


To place this badge in your signature, simply copy the following:


Thank you very much! Remember, placing this badge in your signature will both look cool and show that you make great videos! What more can you ask for?


So far, there's only been one application for judging!

Please send me PMs if you're interested. Anyone can apply, even people who have been nominated for Oscar-B's already. Please send in those applications soon! I'm looking forward to reading them. :)


...and keep those submissions coming!

It's great to see all of the submissions that have been made so far, but there's still plenty more excellent members of the YouTube community to recognize! (Incidentally, do you want to be able to send in more than one nomination? I think that this has been one of the limiting factors to this competition so far.)

Thanks for your input!


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
Only got done with half of the post before sending it. Derp.
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I don't think I have enough to contribute as a judge, but I do have a judging question. Is there something in place to prevent bias if the judge is also a nominee? Like, if i become a judge, would I not be allowed to voice an opinion on the 'best up and coming' channel because i'm in the running for that?

Edited by Rufledt
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  Rufledt said:
I don't think I have enough to contribute as a judge, but I do have a judging question. Is there something in place to prevent bias if the judge is also a nominee? Like, if i become a judge, would I not be allowed to voice an opinion on the 'best up and coming' channel because i'm in the running for that?

Hi Rufledt!

First off, if you want to judge, don't be afraid to send in an application!

It's entirely possible for someone to be both a nominee and a judge. If you decided to judge, for example, you would rank all nominations in all categories... except for your own channel. Because channel rankings will be done by taking the mean of the judges' scores, you'll have just as good a chance of winning as anyone else.


After some careful thought, I've decided that you can send in one nomination per category.

This was recommended by Hazard-ish and some other people seemed to want it too... so I decided to expand the rules.

If you've already sent in one nomination, feel free to send in more. I would strongly recommend that you create a new post, rather than updating your earlier one, because I may not see your updated nomination in the sea of posts.

Sorry for the continuous rule revisions. I hope you can understand that I'm trying to make the competition as good as it can be. Thanks for sticking with me.


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I'd like to nominate Scott Manley's "Orbital Rendezvous And Docking Tutorial For Kerbal Space Program 0.18" for best educational video. Its a little outdated and he has more recent version which could be better and more relevant, but this video alone opened the door to so many possibilities for me.

Heres the more recent version if anyone's interested

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  Probus said:

Hi there, thanks for your nomination! :)

@UpsilonAerospace Hmm, could I try my hand at applying for judging? PM sent! :)

Also for the category of Best Showcase Video & Best Artistic Video I nominate my video, "Kitty Space Program Interplanetary Cat Explorer - A KSP Beta Tribute" that I made recently as a tribute to the end of KSP's beta phase. There are many tributes but this one is mine, a longtime lurker and slow learner building an interplanetary ship for the first time.

(Yes, as someone with a learning disability, it takes me more than 7 years of playing Orbiter and KSP since alpha, to come this far lol)

It's not well viewed currently - but I nominate it as I kind of stretched the limit in terms of what the basic camera tools we have can do to portray a ship in cinematic fashion by inputting ridiculous values into the camera tool add-on and sending the ship out of control on purpose to capture moving shots. One of the cat recon pods was also used as a stabilized camera drone to view the launch pad.

The video ends in a long-take slow continuous flyby that likely is the limit of what my laptop can hold before the video recording software crashes.

Also this is likely the first time a cat has went to space in KSP, in a self-assembling single launch interplanetary craft! Ambitious little kitty!

Edited by pandoras kitten
added moar meows
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